N-level nested galleries
Registered Users Posts: 7 Beginner grinner
New to Smugmug, sorry if this is a dumb question. I'd like to create a hierarchical structure for my site, something like:
And so on. It seems the bottom layer would be "galleries" in Smugspeak, but that's about as far as I get. I tried playing around with Sharegroups, but they don't quite do what I want to do (they only can contain galleries, not other sharegroups). Categories and subcategories don't seem to do it either. But like I said I'm a newbie and could very well be missing the obvious.
Travel Racing |-----------------------------------| |----------------------------| Italy2008 Alaska2010 Indy2009 ... |-----------------| | |-------------------| Venice Rome ... Qualifying Race |---------| |----------| |-------| | StMarks Canals Coliseum Vatican Pits Turn2 ...
And so on. It seems the bottom layer would be "galleries" in Smugspeak, but that's about as far as I get. I tried playing around with Sharegroups, but they don't quite do what I want to do (they only can contain galleries, not other sharegroups). Categories and subcategories don't seem to do it either. But like I said I'm a newbie and could very well be missing the obvious.
I think Smug is working on more levels, don't know if they'll stick to categories or if they'll change it to folders.
You would have one of these for each subject, travel and racing. Then the thumbs on each can be
categories which takes you to the three Smugmug levels.
Page for travel: categories Italy2008 & Alaska2010
Then for Italy2008 sub-cats: Venice & Rome
The page and number of thumb links can be configured any way you'd like.
My Website index | My Blog
So, I'd suggest you think about a more navigation-friendly hierarchy like this:
This gives you a sub-category per trip/year so it's really easy to find which trip and it puts all the galleries from a given trip on one page so it's easy to browse among them or find which one you are most interested in. Your method is not as easy to browse among the different galleries from and isn't as easy to find a specific gallery or see if a specific gallery exists. As long as you don't have zillions of galleries from one trip, this is a lot more efficient for web navigation and it happens to fit in Smugmug's current hierarchy levels (which were initially limited this way to encourage people to make more navigation friendly hierarchies).
Smumug is going to expand the levels available at some time, but no date has been announced for that feature. Even then, I would suggest people think more about web navigation and discoverability and browsability than maximum classification. Reserve maximal classification for computers (keywords, etc...) and design UI for people consumption.
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I suppose that's what bothers me most about this - I'm forced into a layout I don't prefer because of an architectural limitation in Smugmug. Even if I find a satisfactory workaround this particular problem, what else is lurking out there to prevent me from designing a site the way I'd like it? I was expecting to find more flexibility in Smugmug, now I feel rushed to explore all these constraints before my trial expires.
That is interesting, maybe I can strongarm this with some html magic. It's a fair bit more work than if Smugmug did it naturally, but at least I have an option. Thanks
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