Weddings and SmugMug - Events Page or... ?

eileenreileenr Registered Users Posts: 9 Beginner grinner
edited August 21, 2011 in SmugMug Pro Sales Support
I just shot a wedding yesterday and initially thought I'd try out SmugMugs Events page to show off the photos... now I'm finding it a bit confusing.

My current set up is a Gallery for Clients and Under that Sub Galleries for Clients.

Has anyone used Events Pages for weddings, how did you set yours up & would you recommend it?

I'm wondering if it would just be too complicated to explain how to use it to the Bride and Groom's parents, etc.

Considerations: I'd like to offer watermarked "Facebook" sized images to the Bride and Groom to use in social media. Should I consider using Smugmug (Events or not) for that as well, or just host those on Facebook? (which would be adding a step for me, since I was originally thinking the Bride and Groom could just download small versions from my Gallery and then upload them to Facebook themselves).

Mods: Please feel free to move this post if this is not the right forum, I'm afraid I'm a bit out of sorts with the new look here (and maybe just a leeetle bit tired from the all day / late night session yesterday ;) ).
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