bird ID please, also, is this too tight?
I spooked this bird, only shot I got. This is too tight for the assignment, right? This is right out of RAW, not worked up, not cropped, nothing. Just want to get the right feel for assignment, this is too tight, I think. Also I need an ID, please. Will work it up later, I am sure. ginger

After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
ginger - you shoot a lot of birds, why not wait until you get a full-frontal
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...a female or young Marsh Hawk?
That's my guess after looking in my Peterson's field guide.
Manfrotto Mono | Bag- LowePro Slingshot 100AW
It's on page 104-105 in Peterson's Eastern Birds.:D
Manfrotto Mono | Bag- LowePro Slingshot 100AW
When I first saw it, before reading any other post was American Bittern.
For comparison, this is an American Bittern
The stripped breast we can see a little of in your shot looks right, and the bittern is a heron type bird with maybe a slightly shorter neck than your average egret or Great Blue.
Does this look like the bird you shot?
Manfrotto Mono | Bag- LowePro Slingshot 100AW