Minty Gripped D700 w/ ~8000 shutter releases. Freshly back from Nikon!
Hello Guys,
I realize this is my first post over here and its a for sale thread... :dunno . I have been lurking for a little while and just recently decided to try and sell my D700. I am a serious hobbyist photographer active on MyCanikon and DieselStation and long time lurker of FM forums too. Point being is I am just a hobbyist so there has been no commercial or professional beating of this camera. It have a very low amount of shutter releases compared to many I see out there for the same price.
The Aperture arm broke whilst covering a local drift event here in Atlanta and it just got back from Nikon a few weeks ago. Since then I have been considering a downgrade in camera body to make use of my D90 and instead invest the funds I get from the sale into some nice glass in my desired focal lengths with all plans to go back to full frame down the road.
I am asking $2200 shipped and insured for the body only to your CONUS address. Please add 3% for paypal fees unless you send as a paypal 'gift'
Nows the chance to get a GREAT FX format Nikon at a great price even considering the shortage and back order status coming out of japan.
Thanks in advance for looking and please let me know if you have any questions. I need it sold pretty quick and will likely be putting it on ebay in the near future.
sorry for the crappy camera phone pics.

I realize this is my first post over here and its a for sale thread... :dunno . I have been lurking for a little while and just recently decided to try and sell my D700. I am a serious hobbyist photographer active on MyCanikon and DieselStation and long time lurker of FM forums too. Point being is I am just a hobbyist so there has been no commercial or professional beating of this camera. It have a very low amount of shutter releases compared to many I see out there for the same price.
The Aperture arm broke whilst covering a local drift event here in Atlanta and it just got back from Nikon a few weeks ago. Since then I have been considering a downgrade in camera body to make use of my D90 and instead invest the funds I get from the sale into some nice glass in my desired focal lengths with all plans to go back to full frame down the road.
I am asking $2200 shipped and insured for the body only to your CONUS address. Please add 3% for paypal fees unless you send as a paypal 'gift'
Nows the chance to get a GREAT FX format Nikon at a great price even considering the shortage and back order status coming out of japan.
Thanks in advance for looking and please let me know if you have any questions. I need it sold pretty quick and will likely be putting it on ebay in the near future.
sorry for the crappy camera phone pics.

Let me know! I have a few lenses I am trying to trade for a d700!
16/2.8, f1.4G primes, f2.8 trio, 105/200 macro, SB900.
It never gets easier, you just get better.
do you still have this