
Smuggy falls into a volcano

schmooschmoo Registered Users Posts: 8,468 Major grins
edited September 2, 2011 in Landscapes
... or the less dramatic title, "SmugMug's 2011 Trip to Yellowstone and Tetons NP." :lol3

Once a year (roughly) we all try to get away, work from someplace pretty and get face time with our coworkers who don't live anywhere near California. This year we set up shop in Jackson, WY which to some folks meant alpine slides, white water rafting and four-wheeling. To me, this meant NATIONAL PARK JACKPOT!

One of the highlights was that I got to meet and be roommates with longtime Dgrin landscapes shooter, annnna8888 , who this year also joined us as a Smuggy Support Hero. What a great time that was, particularly our day trip to Yellowstone. Her optimism and energy is infectious!

1) Sunrise over the Tetons.


2) Yellowstone is mostly pine forest, which I didn't know.


3) We were supposed to meet people (like Ann McRae, phyxius and many other SmugDgrinners) for sunrise, but somehow drove past them in the pre-dawn light.


4-6) Lots of cool fog scenes since it had just rained the day before.




7-8) Trees are everywhere


9-10) Old Faithful was a little underwhelming but I'm glad we went. It was crowded even at 9:30 AM.



11) Biscuit Basin was a little more manageable.


12) Ana has the right idea: Never give up to get your shot.


13-14) Grand Prismatic Lake was worth all the tourists.


15) We hiked around Yellowstone Falls, but not too much.


16) In IR, after the hike that nearly killed me (the way up, I mean. Going down was a cinch)


17-18) And got stuck behind tons of bison who thought it was funny to just stand in the road. I guess that's rushhour in Yellowstone.



19-20) The rolling hills and the rivers provided beautiful IR shots:



I did end up going to Yellowstone twice that week, which was more time I could afford but still was not nearly enough. It was interesting to go there the first time with a dedicated landscape shooter like Ana, and then with a group of non-photographers who have completely fresh eyes.

21) Yes, there was plenty of chimping.


22) Marveling at the Paint Pots.


23) Somewhere in this shot is a giant male elk.


24) Don't land in the bison poo!


25) We "saw" three grizzly bears and two bald eagles. That's in quotes for a reason:


Click here for the 100% crop. I am no wildlife 'tog.

25-26) And of course, the two reasons why I was a walking zombie all week: Sunrises + Star trails.



Ron (coscorrosa) blew into town the last day just to make sure we didn't slack off and get too much sleep. :D

In conclusion, I am completely, totally amazed by Yellowstone. I've never been there before and would not have chosen to be there in high summer, but I was blown away all the same. No matter how many photos you see of this place, being there is something completely different.

Hope you all had great summer travels, too. :thumb


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    AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2011
    clap.gifclap.gif it was so great so see you again, and shoot with you! What a great week we all had, and that's saying something, as there were about 120 of us lol3.gif Great pics, Schmoo.
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    David_S85David_S85 Administrators Posts: 13,213 moderator
    edited August 25, 2011
    Looks like a great party with wonderful people. I didn't know anna had joined the team. Woot!
    My Smugmug
    "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
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    canghuixucanghuixu Registered Users Posts: 238 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2011
    Somehow I really like the composition of #4. It looks like the stand of trees on the left has been very mean and made the one next to the river an outcast, and as a result it is despondent and about to tip itself into the river.
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    schmooschmoo Registered Users Posts: 8,468 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2011
    Andy wrote: »
    clap.gifclap.gif it was so great so see you again, and shoot with you! What a great week we all had, and that's saying something, as there were about 120 of us lol3.gif Great pics, Schmoo.

    Thanks, Andy, you too! There were a lot of flashbacks to Wild Utah and our 2007 Glacier Shootout. In a good way, of course. :D
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    bryanj87bryanj87 Registered Users Posts: 859 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2011
    Fantastic series of shots, as always. I have to say my favorite is the star trails shot. :)
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    kdogkdog Administrators Posts: 11,681 moderator
    edited August 25, 2011
    Awesome shots and great report, Schmoo! clap.gifbowdown.gif
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    wolf911wolf911 Registered Users Posts: 273 Major grins
    edited August 26, 2011
    Great pics, the fog scenes are my favorite of these. I just got to figure out how to get hired at smugmug......
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    choudhrysaabchoudhrysaab Registered Users Posts: 249 Major grins
    edited August 26, 2011
    pictures came out really good and looks like you guys had a great time ... AWESOME!
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    eoren1eoren1 Registered Users Posts: 2,391 Major grins
    edited August 26, 2011
    Fantastic set Schmoo
    Love the Prismatic lake, IR and that star trail thumb.gif
    How long did that last one take to capture??
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    ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,919 moderator
    edited August 26, 2011
    Great set of photos! In 23, those are trees burned in the fire of 1989. Amazing how much has changed since then.
    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
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    aj986saj986s Registered Users Posts: 1,100 Major grins
    edited August 26, 2011
    Terrific pics and write-up! clap.gif
    Tony P.
    Canon 50D, 30D and Digital Rebel (plus some old friends - FTB and AE1)
    Long-time amateur.....wishing for more time to play
    Autocross and Track junkie
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    schmooschmoo Registered Users Posts: 8,468 Major grins
    edited August 26, 2011
    Thanks, all. What an amazing place!
    eoren1 wrote: »
    How long did that last one take to capture??

    The star trails shot was an hour's worth of 5-minute shots, all stacked in PS. The full moon had only been the week before so it was kind of bright, but I think that without it the foreground would have been too dark. There were a lot of naysayers against star trails that week but ya never know until ya try... :D
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    squirl033squirl033 Registered Users Posts: 1,230 Major grins
    edited August 26, 2011
    great stuff, Schmoo! Yellowstone is definitely on my bucket list... hopefully sometime in the next year or so i'll be able to make it over there.
    ~ Rocky
    "Out where the rivers like to run, I stand alone, and take back something worth remembering..."
    Three Dog Night

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    schmooschmoo Registered Users Posts: 8,468 Major grins
    edited August 26, 2011
    Thanks, Rocky, and it's definitely worth a visit. I am planning on subsequent trips for real photos and real weather. This one was primarily a scouting mission because there was so much to see.

    If there was Dgrin meetup there, would anyone go? ear.gif
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    VaughanVaughan Registered Users Posts: 52 Big grins
    edited August 27, 2011
    Fantastic set, love the BaW ones
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    SamSam Registered Users Posts: 7,419 Major grins
    edited August 27, 2011
    Fantastic trip for all you guys! What is interesting to me is that I never knew headquarters was a deserted building, and no one was guarding against evil electronic internet monsters. :D

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    denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,275 moderator
    edited August 27, 2011
    Awesome shots Schmoo! They are all beautiful but my absolute favorites are number 4 and 14.

    --- Denise
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    Secluded ValleySecluded Valley Registered Users Posts: 176 Major grins
    edited August 31, 2011
    Looks like you had a great time roaming around my summer "backyard". It's truly an incredible place and it's always different. Love your photos and commentary.

    "How glorious a greeting the sun gives the mountains!" ~John Muir
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    coscorrosacoscorrosa Registered Users Posts: 2,284 Major grins
    edited August 31, 2011
    Yellowstone is truly an amazing place and you managed to capture its spirit with your photos and your words. The Tetons aren't bad either, and anyone who thinks you can't do star trails with a bright moon hasn't been paying attention! :)
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    BradfordBennBradfordBenn Registered Users Posts: 2,506 Major grins
    edited August 31, 2011
    Great shots and stories. I think I have to add another place to my list of places to go shooting again.

    Pictures | Website | Blog | Twitter | Contact
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    dlplumerdlplumer Registered Users Posts: 8,081 Major grins
    edited September 1, 2011
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    shniksshniks Registered Users Posts: 945 Major grins
    edited September 2, 2011
    Excellent series Steph. Love all of them and the star trails turned out just great. clap.gifclapclap.gif

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    joe-bobjoe-bob Registered Users Posts: 368 Major grins
    edited September 2, 2011
    Those are great pictures. My favorites are 11, 16 and 20.
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    annnna8888annnna8888 Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 936 SmugMug Employee
    edited September 2, 2011
    Schmoo! It was soooo good to meet you, too, finally! I loved our Yellowstone day trip. :D

    As always, great photos and narrative. The wide range of your photographic skills blows me away. Don't make me pick a favorite. ;)

    SmugMug Support Hero Manager
    My website: anapogacar.smugmug.com
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    AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited September 2, 2011
    Sam wrote: »
    Fantastic trip for all you guys! What is interesting to me is that I never knew headquarters was a deserted building, and no one was guarding against evil electronic internet monsters. :D


    We had some guards :)
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    Marc MuenchMarc Muench Registered Users Posts: 1,420 Major grins
    edited September 2, 2011
    Who let the "dogs" out :)

    Great images Schmoo, really like the infrared
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    BradfordBennBradfordBenn Registered Users Posts: 2,506 Major grins
    edited September 2, 2011
    Andy wrote: »
    We had some guards :)

    I think you mean you had Batman!rolleyes1.gif

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