A Wedding, A Mall, and Some Climbing
I recently shot a wedding for some friends and in turn they flew me to it and I took a small side trip to Washington. It was a great experience for me and I hope that I was albe to get all the images they could have hoped for! Below is my trip!
A little introduction:

The first day we were there we went all around Minneapolis to find the beer for the wedding. The groom was the only one who actually drank so it was a short trip! We ended up with some Granite City beer in rather pricey bottles!

Jim deciding which he likes best

It was quickly the wedding day and preparations began.

Father of the bride taking it all in.

The daughter willing the tie to be correct.

The lighting was hard as it would be clouds, then sun, then partly cloudy, then more sun within about 2 minutes.

But we managed

and everyone was having a great time. It was excellent to work with such a relaxed couple.

Almost ready now...

The vows

Plenty of emotion

The kiss!

A song

One more for good luck.

And there off! It was a short ceremony and then it was off to the food....mmmmm the food!
Oh but of course there are a few formals to squeeze in. We didn't have any set time really to take pictures so I had to make them when I could!

I love these next two!

The toast!

The cake

Some Guests

Then a few more formals...(whew getting tired!)


Fun Between

Then were off to play lasertag! Yes we actually went and had a huge lasertag party after the wedding although I got no photos because of my competitive nature I Couldn't take the camera out and still win!

I then went to the Mall of America for my first time and took some photos of the landscape (mall landscape). First it was to the aquarium which is actually quite awesome!
I just went looking for those photos and apparently they are not online! Doh! So its right off to the rock climbing which is probably more exciting anyway! I'll upload the others and then update this.
Off to Index, Washington where I snuck a few photos of a friend climbing. It was a super hot day and I only managed a few.
Tyler follows up the crack

Old quarry walls loom above.

Hes pretty sure hes up to the task however.

Success is sweet.

And then it was back home to Alaska! A Fun filled trip with many photos and the desire to take more. Now that is a bonus!
A little introduction:

The first day we were there we went all around Minneapolis to find the beer for the wedding. The groom was the only one who actually drank so it was a short trip! We ended up with some Granite City beer in rather pricey bottles!

Jim deciding which he likes best

It was quickly the wedding day and preparations began.

Father of the bride taking it all in.

The daughter willing the tie to be correct.

The lighting was hard as it would be clouds, then sun, then partly cloudy, then more sun within about 2 minutes.

But we managed

and everyone was having a great time. It was excellent to work with such a relaxed couple.

Almost ready now...

The vows

Plenty of emotion

The kiss!

A song

One more for good luck.

And there off! It was a short ceremony and then it was off to the food....mmmmm the food!
Oh but of course there are a few formals to squeeze in. We didn't have any set time really to take pictures so I had to make them when I could!

I love these next two!

The toast!

The cake

Some Guests

Then a few more formals...(whew getting tired!)


Fun Between

Then were off to play lasertag! Yes we actually went and had a huge lasertag party after the wedding although I got no photos because of my competitive nature I Couldn't take the camera out and still win!

I then went to the Mall of America for my first time and took some photos of the landscape (mall landscape). First it was to the aquarium which is actually quite awesome!
I just went looking for those photos and apparently they are not online! Doh! So its right off to the rock climbing which is probably more exciting anyway! I'll upload the others and then update this.
Off to Index, Washington where I snuck a few photos of a friend climbing. It was a super hot day and I only managed a few.
Tyler follows up the crack

Old quarry walls loom above.

Hes pretty sure hes up to the task however.

Success is sweet.

And then it was back home to Alaska! A Fun filled trip with many photos and the desire to take more. Now that is a bonus!
My Pictures can be seen at http://prezwoodz.smugmug.com
I Live at http://www.alaskamountainforum.com
I Live at http://www.alaskamountainforum.com