Help with identifying 2 yosemite shots pls

I am trying to name some of my shots...anyone know of a particular name for the views in question ?
If they have a name that is...
Ta Gus

If they have a name that is...
Ta Gus

The 1st one is a tree and the 2nd a rock, a big rock!
The tree is from one of those trips back to Wawona after a day of shooting. The sun was going down behind that ridge and several of us (a car at a time) stopped at a turn out that had been firecleared recently. There was nothing butburnt trees around there, but the sun was putting on this really good show. You guys came up as we were leaving, soyou got the tail end of it going down.
The second pic - I've never known the name for sure - cathedral, seems to fit in my mind at least, but that means little. What I can tell you about it is: behind you is El Capitain (and close), this is the beginning of the field where everyone congregates to watch the climbers on the "big rock" with binoculars and "big momma" lenses. Off to the left of the deer is the creek and bridge where two of the roads converge going out of the valley.
Hope this helps, at least now you can pinpoint it on one of the park maps.
Yep i remember the sunset & everyone being there but wondered if the lookout had a name.
Thanks mate
One of those whirlwind tours, eh, Gubbsie?
The tree was about halfway on the back to the Wawona. Not sure if the area really had a seperate name. Great picture Gus!
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