Yay! I Have a Shopping Cart!

Very excited to say that as of today I have a shopping cart in my gallery!! WOO-HOO! Been seeking advice here and working hard to get everyting in order. Finally it is done. It is not anything really big or fancy but everyone has to start somewhere right? I am just so proud of myself to have gotten this far. I know you guys don't know me, but I am an extreme introvert! I am also a perfectionist and terrified of failure! If it is something I think there is even a chance of failure at I just simply don't even try! I do not have a lot of faith in myself or my abilities so to step out and do even this small thing for a lot of you is a huge deal for me! To all of you who have given advice and been supportive I want to say thank you so very much! Hopefully this is just the beginning! If you would like to take a look at my gallery here is the link: http://skylersmom.smugmug.com Thank so much guys!
If this causes problems for you, it might be an idea to go see a phsyc. I had a friend that was exactly the same way as you, talented as all get out but scared of her own shadow. She used to paint and draw and even with her closest friends she showed them very little of what she did.
She was also attractive as all get out but most 80 yo's dressed more sexy than she did. After about 6 months of therapy, she was a different person, happy, laughing and not afraid to do things that might not work out or have people make less than glowing comments. She also came to me about a model portfolio and despite my long winded conditioning telling her the agency she was going for an interview with would never take her because she was too short and they only used highly experience models, she got in! I really couldn't believe it. She did heaps of work on some international brand campaigns but after about 6 months found a publisher for her art so gave away the modeling to concentrate on that.
Anyway, the thing is to be happy in yourself. If thats the case now, Fine. If you would like to be different and recognize some limitations you have, it would be helpful to have a think about seeing someone that can assist you with them.
As for your pics and gallery, I have to say beautiful work and very well done. the pics have loads of artistic merit, are very aesthetically pleasing, I think the colors are great and they would certainly do well for the purpose you have created them.
Those who know my posts and attitude will also know I do not give compliments without meaning them or unless I believe they are deserved.
I hope your site goes well for you and you get the rewards and returns you deserve for your efforts and hard work.
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