Car shows

I know this is a legal question but I was hoping someone would know.
I go to a lot of car shows. Where I take pictures as a spectator. Would I be allowed to set up a booth someplace and sell pictures of the classic cars I've photographed at past shows?
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I go to a lot of car shows. Where I take pictures as a spectator. Would I be allowed to set up a booth someplace and sell pictures of the classic cars I've photographed at past shows?
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Fred J Claus
Commercial Photographer
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This is dirt simple. Most car shows I been to have a vendor section. You need to contact the car show promoter and ask about a vendor booth.
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Commercial Photographer
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Are you asking if you need a property release from the car owners? If so I would say no. You are selling fine art prints. not using the car for commercial or advertizing.
Cars are a tough market I have found because the need for new pics is minimal and that ability for owners to get them for nothing is plentiful. Nearly every car club has a few keen amateurs that are friendly with others in the club and happy to shoot and supply pics. Once they have some shots, unless the car changes like new wheels, paintjob or other infrequent occourance, seen one pic you seen em all pretty much.
The only way you will sell a pic is to get something really special and I highly doubt you will get that at a car show. Taking pics that anyone else could take is not going to get you far. If you can take something out of the ordinary or do an exceptiona layout (and sell it at a price that justify's your time) you may have a shot but I still think there are easier and more profitable markets to look at.
If i can just point out Fred, You always have new ideas which is great and ask about a lot of different things . We never hear much about how these work out for you.
Now I also look at different things but I do work through them and see the potentials and the failings.
It might be worth while for you to try and asses a couple of key markets and concerntrate on them longer term. some things you can get instant response and some take longer to kick in.
These days i have a mental Checklist i run through when considering potential markets. The criteria include difficulty in get in front of target market, age, cost of participation, ability to get shots others can't, number of potential buyers, ability to do the job with the resources i have, cost of setting the job up or advertising and a few other things. Of course you have to test but if your a bit aware, you can eliminate the wastes of time and get a better hit rate of successes.
Sometimes things come up that throw you. I got roped into doing a pet shop birthday party for a bunch of Dogs the other week which I agreed too far more as a favour to a friend than anything else. Truth be known, I really did not want to do it especially hen it required me traversing one far side of the city to the other about 8 hours after I left the wedding I was doing the day before.
Nearly all my criteria were off or unknown. Age was wrong, numbers were terrible, not much in the way of getting unique shots, nil cost of participation by clients, travel and timing was lousy, unique opportyunity was not there...... On the upside, clients were a given, cost of promotion was nil, resources were not a problem and there was substaintial free advertising given.
It turned out to be a very profitable job so much so that I'm keen to do it again. Maybe looking at my criteria the positiveves outweighed the negatives but the unknowns were significant and probably could have gone either way.
I would suggest you think about drawing up a set of rules or assesments based on your previous experiences and what you have read and use this as a checklist of potential markets.
I find that you can look at something that seems great, but then when you go through the list it seems anything but the opportunity you first though.
this really is just basic business in assesing your potential risk and profits and like any business pan you would do before you did anything else, certainly pays to do.
For your car show idea both in respect of my list and experience I would think very carefully about your strategy with car shows Fred as I think them being worth your while will be a long shot.
Others may have different experiences more relative to your market whom would have valueable input as well.
An option would be to shoot the cars and maybe sell calendars, etc. of the event.
Then there is the standard fee for having a booth at the event.
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