Moose Season is Here
We're not quite into the rut yet but the moose are beginning to gather. First set of images for the season. Plenty of moose around but not much interesting going on with them yet. Didn't make it out until an hour after sunrise and the big ones were already bedded down in the grass. Once the rut starts they will stay up and move around all day.
All taken with D7000 and 70-200VR + 1.4x TC
Here are the big guys. Lighting wasn't too good on this one. I grabbed this shot when one of them stood up for a few seconds to turn around and get more comfortable.

Just a young cow who hung around for a while.

This is not good. When you see the ears in this position it's a good idea to find a tree. This guy came running over a hill behind me and was upset to find me in his path. Notice the broken horn on the left side of his rack.

Catching a wiff of something.

This second year bull was feeling his oats and faced off with the much bigger bull. Note the bloody horns on the small one where the velvet has been recently rubbed off. They just postured a bit and the little guy decided to leave.

This guy with the broken horn also had a serious wound in its neck. It appeared to be healed over. Maybe a bullet wound or from being gored in a fight last year. The injury may account for why such a big moose had such a small rack. He was really massive to have such small horns. When they aren't healthy the rack won't grow very big.

A moose's ears are their version of radar. This one heard something in the brush.

Hopefully I'll get back out after the rut gets going and get some better bull shots.
All taken with D7000 and 70-200VR + 1.4x TC
Here are the big guys. Lighting wasn't too good on this one. I grabbed this shot when one of them stood up for a few seconds to turn around and get more comfortable.

Just a young cow who hung around for a while.

This is not good. When you see the ears in this position it's a good idea to find a tree. This guy came running over a hill behind me and was upset to find me in his path. Notice the broken horn on the left side of his rack.

Catching a wiff of something.

This second year bull was feeling his oats and faced off with the much bigger bull. Note the bloody horns on the small one where the velvet has been recently rubbed off. They just postured a bit and the little guy decided to leave.

This guy with the broken horn also had a serious wound in its neck. It appeared to be healed over. Maybe a bullet wound or from being gored in a fight last year. The injury may account for why such a big moose had such a small rack. He was really massive to have such small horns. When they aren't healthy the rack won't grow very big.

A moose's ears are their version of radar. This one heard something in the brush.

Hopefully I'll get back out after the rut gets going and get some better bull shots.
I also just checked out your gallery. I will be back there often!!!!
Nikon D600, Nikon 85 f/1.8G, Nikon 24-120mm f/4, Nikon 70-300, Nikon SB-700, Canon S95
Thanks for the comment regarding my gallery as well. Many years of photography represented there...
My Photo Gallery:Northern Focus Photography
I wish I was half the man that my dog thinks I am... NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
My Photo Gallery:Northern Focus Photography
I wish I was half the man that my dog thinks I am...