Image Exif Data Changed on Upload.....
I am writing an application that uploads my images to SmugMug. All was going well, but I ran into 4 images (out of several hundred) that when uploaded I would get a different MD5 for it when I checked it against the original.
After some digging, I figured out the exif data on the images where different. The image that were now on SmugMug had these four additonal tags:
I am sure it is by design, and not a bug, especially since it has only happened to 4 images out of several hundred. I was wondering if anyone could explain to me why this is happening it would be awesome.
Also not I manually uploaded them to a new test album I created and the same thing happened. So I am pretty sure it is not my code.
After some digging, I figured out the exif data on the images where different. The image that were now on SmugMug had these four additonal tags:
[Jfif] Version - 1.0
[Jfif] Resolution Units - unit
[Jfif] X Resolution - 4718664 dots
[Jfif] Y Resolution - 4718592 dots
I am sure it is by design, and not a bug, especially since it has only happened to 4 images out of several hundred. I was wondering if anyone could explain to me why this is happening it would be awesome.
Also not I manually uploaded them to a new test album I created and the same thing happened. So I am pretty sure it is not my code.
I'll gt someone to take a look at this. Could you point me to the gallery where the images are that you uploaded from your app and also for the manual upload.
I think I actually removed the ones I uploaded from my app, (and unfortunately can not check until I get home), but I put the 4 images I manually uploaded are in an album I cleverly called Test. The exif data for the manual upload and the upload from my app are exactly the same though.
Also worth noting (and I do not know if it is a coincidence or not) is that the 4 Jfif tags added to the 4 images all had the same values if I remember correctly.
Thanks for the help.
Any chance you opened and saved those 4 images in another program on your computer? You said that these images are changed, but same result through your app and manual upload. Combined with the data that these are the only files changed leads me to thinking it's somehow related to the files themselves. Either they have been changed on your machine or our system, but there is something different in these compared to the rest of the batch that causes the difference.
I can't see anything in these files that we would have added. Can you check the files with exiftool or similar to highlight the difference
I will check them with exiftool this evening, but I am certain something happens on the upload. I can post up one before upload if that would help you. Also the change I found using a simple java app I wrote is once uploaded the images have the 4 additional [Jfifi] tags added in. I'll verify that I get the same results using exiftool.
I am sure there is a rational reason for it to happen. I am simply trying to find a way to determine when it is going to happen programmatically (not sure if that is a real word, but I'm gonna roll with it anyway) in my application. Since my app is essentially trying to keep a SmugMug account, and a local copy in sync, it uses the md5 of the images to see if they are already on SmugMug. Since I get a different md5 back, it thinks that the image has not been uploaded, and uploads it again.
MSkaffari, you wouldn't happen to know if there is a command you can use with exiftool to compare the exif data by any chance?
In case you are on a Mac or Linux you can try something like this;
For some reason, on all the files that are changed on upload have the Orientation flag defined twice in the metadata. We are changing our upload code to accommodate for this as well as some other oddities that can occur in EXIF data. I'll inform you when this has been changed on the live site.
Fixed and released. Let me know if there are any more issues with this one.
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Any chance that SmugMug will stop doing this and leave the uploaded photo's untouched?
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