
Mainly Oz

DeadlockDeadlock Registered Users Posts: 72 Big grins
edited August 23, 2007 in Landscapes
Hi guys.

I've put about 30 pics of mainly Oz that I like up on a site, and if you have a spare minute for a quick flick through, I'd love some feedback to help me learn as I'm pretty new to photography

My faves are 3,4,16, 20, 27

Thanks for looking.



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    gusgus Registered Users Posts: 16,209 Major grins
    edited October 16, 2005
    Welcome to D/grin deadlock...you seem to have done very well. If i was to pass any comment then maybe they are a little bright but that may just be either of our monitors.

    You have a good eye !

    Where is that long road on your 1st page ?

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    DeadlockDeadlock Registered Users Posts: 72 Big grins
    edited October 16, 2005
    Humungus wrote:
    Where is that long road on your 1st page ?
    Thanks Gus,

    I appreciate your comments.
    The road shot is on Kangaroo Island just off the south coast of Australia.
    Beautiful place.

    I've actually joined a photography club and for tomorrow we have to chose our 6 best shots so we can be put grades for in-club, inter-club and national competitions over the coming year.

    My goal is to progress from 'bless him - he tries' up to 'very poor'
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    DavidTODavidTO Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 19,160 Major grins
    edited October 16, 2005
    Deadlock wrote:
    My goal is to progress from 'bless him - he tries' up to 'very poor'

    I've always dreamed of getting a "bless him, he tries"!
    Moderator Emeritus
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    gusgus Registered Users Posts: 16,209 Major grins
    edited October 16, 2005
    I have sailed past kangaroo Island crossing the bight but have never been there. Giant tiger snakes there ...see any ? Maybe you were there in winter.
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    DeadlockDeadlock Registered Users Posts: 72 Big grins
    edited October 16, 2005
    Humungus wrote:
    Giant tiger snakes there.
    Erm right then. It was over december and January this year so it was Australias summer.
    No snakes but plenty of humping Koalas - it was mating season.
    One of the best things was sleeping out under the stars in just a sleeping bag and no tent.
    The stars were incredible - like nothing I had ever seen before. Unfortunately my camera wasnt up to the task.
    Next time with the 20d.... :D
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    rahmonsterrahmonster Registered Users Posts: 1,376 Major grins
    edited October 16, 2005
    I love all of them. Especially the lizards, the Apostles, the ferns and of course the koalas. You might find it hard to beleive but I have only seen a wild koala 3 times. I love your compositions...You have a natural eye.thumb.gif

    (looks like you went to all the spots i've always wanted to and never have)

    Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso
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    gusgus Registered Users Posts: 16,209 Major grins
    edited October 16, 2005
    Deadlock wrote:
    Erm right then. It was over december and January this year so it was Australias summer.
    No snakes but plenty of humping Koalas - it was mating season.
    One of the best things was sleeping out under the stars in just a sleeping bag and no tent.
    The stars were incredible - like nothing I had ever seen before. Unfortunately my camera wasnt up to the task.
    Next time with the 20d.... :D

    Im pretty casual about what i do in the australian bush as i grew up in a very remote part on a large farm....but there is no way on gods earth that i would have a kip on the ground on any of those southern islands...not a chance in hell.Zip..zero...nil... They are crawling with tigers that wait for the mutton bird chicks to hatch in january.

    Nothing a snake likes more than a sleeping bag to snuggle up in on a cool night. Did you know about them ? Were you with a local ?

    Gus...taking his hat of to deadlock. thumb.gif
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    DeadlockDeadlock Registered Users Posts: 72 Big grins
    edited October 18, 2005
    Hi guys

    sorry I havent replied sooner -I'm just having one of those weeks from hell!!!
    Anyway, I was on a guided tour at the time and it just seemed to be the done thing to sleep outside. I honestly never thought about snakes at all when I was down there. Though I have shots of more lizards, echidna, spiders, an incredibly yellow worm, emu, kangaroo, ant, and this beautiful orange coloured 2 meter long lizard at another camp site.

    Actually - how are you with spiders? I never took a pic of it and havent been able to identify it at all. It was grey in colour and its body was about the size of my 20d body!!! It scared the hell out of me!!!
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    AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 18, 2005
    Humungus wrote:
    Im pretty casual about what i do in the australian bush a

    just don't leave it on the trail, eh mate? lol3.gif
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    AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 18, 2005
    Deadlock wrote:
    Hi guys.

    I've put about 30 pics of mainly Oz that I like up on a site, and if you have a spare minute for a quick flick through, I'd love some feedback to help me learn as I'm pretty new to photography

    My faves are 3,4,16, 20, 27

    Thanks for looking.


    nice compos, you have a good eye for this.
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    gtcgtc Registered Users Posts: 916 Major grins
    edited October 18, 2005
    nice gallery
    looks like you had a good trip

    nice gallery-particularly like your thorny devil.

    your twelve apostles shot is good too-its a classic view which is much photographed-did you know that the pillar in the foreground has collapsed?

    london bridge,the land bridge that was not far away,collapsed about ten years ago,two weeks after I jumped up and down on it whilst saying "Gee,this dosent look all that solid"

    Deadlock wrote:
    Hi guys.

    I've put about 30 pics of mainly Oz that I like up on a site, and if you have a spare minute for a quick flick through, I'd love some feedback to help me learn as I'm pretty new to photography

    My faves are 3,4,16, 20, 27

    Thanks for looking.

    Latitude: 37° 52'South
    Longitude: 145° 08'East

    Canon 20d,EFS-60mm Macro,Canon 85mm/1.8. Pentax Spotmatic SP,Pentax Super Takumars 50/1.4 &135/3.5,Pentax Super-Multi-Coated Takumars 200/4 ,300/4,400/5.6,Sigma 600/8.
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    devbobodevbobo Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 4,339 SmugMug Employee
    edited October 18, 2005
    gtc wrote:
    london bridge,the land bridge that was not far away,collapsed about ten years ago,two weeks after I jumped up and down on it whilst saying "Gee,this dosent look all that solid"
    so you're the culprit lol8.gif
    David Parry
    SmugMug API Developer
    My Photos
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    W.W. WebsterW.W. Webster Registered Users Posts: 3,204 Major grins
    edited October 18, 2005
    Deadlock wrote:
    No snakes but plenty of humping Koalas - it was mating season.
    To photograph them awake was a miracle, but 'humping'? That would have been, as they say, 'priceless'!
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    DeadlockDeadlock Registered Users Posts: 72 Big grins
    edited October 21, 2005
    gtc - I'd heard about the first of the apostles collapsing - I'm glad I took the shot when I did then.

    Thanks for reminding me the name - London Bridge. Our guide (oz experience) told us about a couple that had to be rescued under a lot of media attention when the bridge section collapsed. Which is how the couples respective husband and wife found out about them!!!

    Webster - That would have been a laugh, however, I could only hear them - all around me keeping me awake at night when I camped out. To be honest any thoughts of snakes were replaced by the fear of being mistaken for another Koala!!!!:uhoh

    I'd been told when I was there - although I dont know if its true or not - that the Koala grinds its teeth down to nothing over a number of years and they die as a result of starvation. If true we should set up a 'Save a Koala, Donate your Falsers' scheme. Now that would make an interesting photo!!!:D

    Thanks again for all your comments.
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    gusgus Registered Users Posts: 16,209 Major grins
    edited October 21, 2005
    Deadlock wrote:
    Actually - how are you with spiders? I never took a pic of it and havent been able to identify it at all. It was grey in colour and its body was about the size of my 20d body!!! It scared the hell out of me!!!
    Did it look like this ? Golden orb.

    They have a very strong sticky web.
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    DeadlockDeadlock Registered Users Posts: 72 Big grins
    edited October 21, 2005
    Humungus wrote:
    Did it look like this ? Golden orb.
    Hi gus

    sorry - no.
    It was very stocky, with thick legs, thick head, thick body and a solid grey colour everywhere. There were thousands of dead flies on the floor by the window inside the room where I saw it sitting on top of the curtains. It was located in a hostel in Halls Gap, Grampian National Park, Victoria

    FYI - The best sausage roll I have ever had in my life was from the bakery in Halls Gap. :D

    p.s. - never saw any web - at least not by the spider.
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    gusgus Registered Users Posts: 16,209 Major grins
    edited October 21, 2005
    Okkkkk...inside spiders.

    That would be your friendly Huntsman. They can grow bigger than a mans hand.
    Another view of them.
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    ginger_55ginger_55 Registered Users Posts: 8,416 Major grins
    edited October 21, 2005
    DavidTO wrote:
    I've always dreamed of getting a "bless him, he tries"!

    I cannot say how much I like this comment, re the comment which I love, too!

    Good lord, a week ago a lot of people would like to have been said about that they were trying!

    ginger, up too early to try.......

    am working my way back to see photos on site, I am quite sure you tried!
    And more!
    After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
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    DeadlockDeadlock Registered Users Posts: 72 Big grins
    edited October 21, 2005
    Humungus wrote:
    Okkkkk...inside spiders.

    That would be your friendly Huntsman. They can grow bigger than a mans hand.
    Another view of them.
    Thats the one. The second link is better but they still dont do them justice. I came accross the big mama version and with it about 30cm from my face - it was too close for comfort. They are just humungous, Humungus! :D

    I dont like spiders at the best of times and here in the UK I only have to put up with spiders 1-2cm in size - not 15cm!!!!

    Cheers for your help mate - Its name has now been added to my Lonely Planet.:D
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    rahmonsterrahmonster Registered Users Posts: 1,376 Major grins
    edited October 21, 2005
    Did Oz Experience bring you up into NSW? There used to be an Oz Experience bus that would drop everyone off at the place where I worked for lunch...I'm not sure if they still come here....I'm in Armidale on the northern tablelands of NSW. Just interested if you came up this way...

    Oh and those spiders are harmless...Its the little sneaky buggers you need watchrolleyes1.gif

    I dont anymore because I have a young child but we used to if we had a smaller one in the house just leave it till it found its own way out...Blowflies drive me insane in summer!

    Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso
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    DeadlockDeadlock Registered Users Posts: 72 Big grins
    edited October 21, 2005
    Hi Rah - Looks like I just missed you.
    I flew from UK to Melbourne, went off hiking myself in halls gap, then back to melbourne to meet a mate who had come down from Sydney on another oz experience tour.
    Then I joined the first of my oz experience tours.
    They followed the great ocean road southwest to Adelaide, {with another stop at halls gap for more hiking - should have read the tour info!!!} where I joined a wine tasting tour and another tour to KI.
    Back at Adelaide again I joined another oz experience tour past Uluru and coober peddy (interesting place!!!) up to Alice springs.

    That took about 4 weeks and then I jumped in a plane from Alice to Sydney to Bangkok. So technically I was sort of in NSW but not so that it counts unfortunately.

    Actually I would recommend a wine for you to try down there. Unfortunately we cant get it up here as you lot think its too good to export!!!:D

    So I just ended up carrying a bottle thousands of miles in my backpack!
    Its a Wynns Coonawarra estate shiraz 2003

    Try it if you like red.
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    gusgus Registered Users Posts: 16,209 Major grins
    edited October 21, 2005
    Deadlock wrote:
    Thats the one. The second link is better but they still dont do them justice. I came accross the big mama version and with it about 30cm from my face - it was too close for comfort. They are just humungous, Humungus! :D

    I dont like spiders at the best of times and here in the UK I only have to put up with spiders 1-2cm in size - not 15cm!!!!

    Cheers for your help mate - Its name has now been added to my Lonely Planet.:D
    I have been chomped on by them...quite harmless. Felt like a pin going into my finger as i lifted a chair i accidently squashed his leg so he had every right to bite me. Better him than a redback anyday.

    They move faster than you can focus so they can scare the hell out of people & they are very very hairy. They will often crawl into any clothes left on the floor overnight & get people dancing early in the morning.
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    phi75phi75 Registered Users Posts: 32 Big grins
    edited August 23, 2007
    nice trip
    like the seaside pics!
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    DeadlockDeadlock Registered Users Posts: 72 Big grins
    edited August 23, 2007
    phi75 wrote:
    like the seaside pics!

    Thanks - although since I originally posted this thread a few years ago my site has changed from the original 30 shots into about a thousand making the link a little out of date! :D
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    schmooschmoo Registered Users Posts: 8,468 Major grins
    edited August 23, 2007
    Deadlock wrote:
    Thanks - although since I originally posted this thread a few years ago my site has changed from the original 30 shots into about a thousand making the link a little out of date! :D

    I did notice the dates on the OP a bit too late. I thought I was just missing some huge joke, or I wasn't as computer savvy as I thought. headscratch.gif

    (i.e. "Who is humungus")
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