What's the next opportunity / big thing?
I'm always trying to stay ahead of the market and look at new ideas. I get a lot from these Forums because what is big in America will trickle down to the United States of Australia in 5 or so years.
That said, I'm still amzed how out of all the people doing events here, there is only a handful that do onsite Viewing/ printing.
I don't have any predictions or theroies for opportunities in the photography market but the one thing I am seriously going to investigate is Tattoo removal. I don't know what's happening in other parts of the world but here at least it seems to have become some ridicilous fashion to cover one's self in permanant ink. The way all these kids are covering their bodies visibly in this crap ATM has to be setting up a market ready to explode when they wake up to themselves and grow up. Seems if a tat cost $100 to put on, it's going to cost $1000 to remove so I reckon there is a growth market there ready to happen.
That aside, im wondering if anyone has any predictions about what the next big thing in the photobusiness will be?
I know those with cutting edge business ideas seem to be a minority here but has anyone spotted any opportunities or niches they think will grow and expand in the futureor seen anything they want to try?
That said, I'm still amzed how out of all the people doing events here, there is only a handful that do onsite Viewing/ printing.
I don't have any predictions or theroies for opportunities in the photography market but the one thing I am seriously going to investigate is Tattoo removal. I don't know what's happening in other parts of the world but here at least it seems to have become some ridicilous fashion to cover one's self in permanant ink. The way all these kids are covering their bodies visibly in this crap ATM has to be setting up a market ready to explode when they wake up to themselves and grow up. Seems if a tat cost $100 to put on, it's going to cost $1000 to remove so I reckon there is a growth market there ready to happen.
That aside, im wondering if anyone has any predictions about what the next big thing in the photobusiness will be?
I know those with cutting edge business ideas seem to be a minority here but has anyone spotted any opportunities or niches they think will grow and expand in the futureor seen anything they want to try?
I know that fusion is over used and over rated, but she makes me re-think the concept.
In any industry, the key is to distinguish yourself above everyone else in your target market and to offer something that no one else can do or to be the best.
Best advice I can give is you'll have more luck in a niche where you understand and respect your customers.
I agree. Actually, this post kind of sent my "Seriously?" meter near peak. To think that another artist cannot appreciate such a largely populated pool of artists themselves is new to me. It takes a lot of talent, skill, and passion to draw up and give people tattoos. They have to try to emotionally connect with their clients no less than Photographers do with their subjects. Especially when giving people portrait tattoos or any symbol of their loved ones or their past benchmarks. It might not be an art form that is favorable to you, but tattoos have been recognized as one of the oldest, and most meaningful forms of art. I don't really think it's at all open minded for you to say that everyone who gets a tattoo has some growing up to do. I've met more people with tattoos whom are far more mature and self aware than people without them.
" In fact, the ancient history of tattoo is so varied and universal that simply picking a spot on the globe reveals a rich history of body art. Throughout history tattoos served many different purposes. Some were rites of passage that marked a person’s journey into adulthood. For some peoples, a tattoo was an attempt at healing or pain relief. Some tattoos labeled a person a criminal. Others were reserved for shamans, priests and priestesses. Still more were exclusive badges of nobility or royalty. Libraries full of books could be written about the history of tattoos"
So I'm not trying to come off rude by any means, but when there is a point to be made I often can't help but try to help make it if it could possibly open eyes to new perspectives. There are many good people who chose to get a tattoo for good reasons. There will be a handful of people who take the meaning out of any form of art by doing things like getting uncreative tattoos for the wrong purpose or reason. It doesn't mean that is has to destroy ones vision of the masses. Basically your comment was a form of art-racism.. I have 4 of them myself, and while I may have grown a lot since getting them, each one marks a new journey or lesson learned in life as they serve as constant reminders of why I love life and can embrace even the least ideal circumstances of my past. I don't think someone could pay me to get even my least favorite one removed that I got while on vacation with a former best friend. Instead Im getting it covered with something that symbolizes yet another evolution of my life. While Im sure there are many people who regret getting a tattoo and would love to have it covered for photos, more people than not got them because they appreciate them and what they stand for far too much for there to be that great of a market for removing them one way or another.
And one last thing, please dont take this as me saying you aren't entitled to your opinion about your distaste for tattoos, I just don't understand the bad stigma with a form of art that was around thousands of years B.C. and served has such a traditional theme in every culture on this earth.... Especially with a combination of disgust not only for the "tattoo industry" but to generalizing all of the people who have different tastes than you and do have tattoos as "needing to grow up". ... So in the end, even though a bunch of people decided that skinny jeans are a fashion commodity and I didn't care for them at all, I would never classify them as being lousy human beings over it because they are the ones who will look back on their photos in 30 years and most likely laugh at all of the memories they made when those ridiculous pants were "in" because it was a staple of their memory to important periods of their lives.. .
The thread is about potential business opportunities not a debate over tattos. Anyone that wants to start a tattoo debate I'm be glad to participate.
7 out of 10 lines in the OP were about tatoos so that might cause some confusion.
Anyhow seeing that tats are so popular these days why not join forces? There might be some $ in working with a tatoo artist. I can see folks being interested in pics of their latest tatoo's creation. Here's an example of synergy at work
Just replace the psychic with photography
http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
He's got a point, Glort.
I've wondered if 3D stills and/or video is going to take off or not, but I'm laying the odds at less than 50/50 at the moment. Not enough potential clients own 3D displays yet, and I don't think that will change quickly. Though I admit I have thought about 3D Viewmaster reels, which you can get custom-made from your own images. Pretty cool, might be good for kid's markets.
A former sports shooter
Follow me at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/bjurasz/
My Etsy store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/mercphoto?ref=hdr_shop_menu
Thanks for the tid bit of information. I have never heard or thought of being able to do that before. I think it is a fantastic idea for kids. I've had family that lives a ways away go back and forth with us by constructing photo albums of their recent adventures as gifts. Mainly for the purpose of making sure that the young ones are able to recognize and identify family members for future phone conversations or visits. My 7 year old has never been very interested in pulling out the album on his own and thumbing through pages, but I bet you this would get a child's attention. Not to mention, buying album after album and filling it up before you send it out thus leaving no room for more pictures gets kind of pricey and tiring for some. This way, returning customers most especially can just keep ordering the slides. Great input, thanks again.
A former sports shooter
Follow me at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/bjurasz/
My Etsy store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/mercphoto?ref=hdr_shop_menu
All I know is that quality is becoming less and less important. See it everywhere, mediocre photos and video everywhere and accepted as the norm and good enough.
Pay less get more mentality is pervasive in our culture.
Where is it all going....high quality phones that take pictures and video....with built in video conferencing. Instant video to u-tube and instant photos to facebook.
The attention span of today kids for multi media is about a millisecond.
Take the shot now post it now....share it now.
I think the average professional photographer videographer is looking at even rougher times....wish it wasn't so.
Yes there will always be a market for quality...but it will be small and only support a limited number of full time professionals...who will have to really be on their game to compete.
My opinion of course.
This is totally off the wall but I just returned from a conference on nanotechnology. Many of these guys have a day job as Professor and do consultancy on the side. I was handing out business cards from moo with one of my images on the back and my photo and details on the front. Seemed to impress - had I had my camera I would have done much business supplying personalized cards. People were not worried about pricing and would have paid whatever I asked - especially had there been a cool nanotechnology image on the back.
So my thought, have you tried to offer personalized cards?
My thoughts will be handheld affordable 4k video cameras with 15mpx still captures, that may be something you see. But I doubt 3d much, its anoyying to look at and watch to be honest, and 3d photos require additional equipment to view. But I Think the next in camera futuristic with rgby laser scanner that may be our next best for perfect accuracy of color and then that be used in holographic imaging, but I dont know really. 4k video seems real and near
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I love animoto
Careful Zoomer,
You'll upset all the phone users next. I totaly agree though. Not only ae the things in tiny print but my kids have the screens dimmed right down so the battery lasts longer. Optometrists 40ft yacht waiting to sail!
How about being the guy who takes archival/documentary type pics of their tats so the youngsters can look back on them 30 years from now when the tats are muddy and lost all color.
Or someone who gains a ton of weight and no longer has the tight muscles that defined the outline? Ooh.
Picadilly, NB, Canada
Stereoscopic tattoo shots. That'd be awesome.
Hi! I'm Wally: website | blog | facebook | IG | scotchNsniff
Nikon addict. D610, Tok 11-16, Sig 24-35, Nik 24-70/70-200vr
A former sports shooter
Follow me at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/bjurasz/
My Etsy store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/mercphoto?ref=hdr_shop_menu
Well 'ya gotta admit Bill, it is original!!!! :ivar
Big Question is,,, Can you sell them at the Race track and will I be able to sell them at horse events???
I don't know if you mean that purely in jest or have seen the same thing I have Sam.
I was recently reading an article about a competition to design pop out/ foldout shelters for emergency situations but there was also some talk of 2nd tier shelters as more permanent housing.
The construction materials were prinarialy going to be plastic and cardboard that was folded out from compacted packages.
It was said the market for this amoungst the homeless in 3rd world countries was going to be huge but there was also mention of the potential for shelter of the homeless in 1st world countries.
Many of these homeless people were said to be previously comforatble families that had been forced into the street through adverse economic and employment conditions.
If there is in actual fact anything wrong with your suggestion be it tounge in cheek or serious, it's the fact that you have come up with the idea a bit late and there are others well ahead of you to cash in on the amazingly large market that exists in a very many countries, poor or otherwise.
My comment was satirical in nature based on the economy here in America.