Photographing older women?
Howdy folks! Fun headshot session just came in for a gal who's starting a 2nd career in voice-overs and acting in her 60s! She sounds a blast and I'm really looking forward to this one, but tips on lighting mature skin in the most flattering way?
Obviously, I can't go the "wrinkles are character!" sidelighting route.... I don't want to make her look ridiculous by over-youthening her, but she will need to look as fabulous as possible and hopefully a bit younger than she is. Any tried'n'true pointers - including what NOT to do - would be great.
Thanks in advance!!
Obviously, I can't go the "wrinkles are character!" sidelighting route.... I don't want to make her look ridiculous by over-youthening her, but she will need to look as fabulous as possible and hopefully a bit younger than she is. Any tried'n'true pointers - including what NOT to do - would be great.
Thanks in advance!!
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Diva, You could do as I have shown over in Charles's thread; Pullbacks. It may seem silly. but have her lay on the floor and you on a ladder. Let gravity help for once! (It's on Page 4)
If they're gonna look like that when I get to Sixty, count me in!:D
Keep the suggestions coming - thanks!
PS I've picked up a cheap all-manual yongnuo to use as a 3rd flash, triggered by its built-in optical slave since I run my Canon flashes on ETTL via an ste2. Sure hope it works, as it would be nice to have a 3-light setup.... I had mainly envisaged using it as a bg light for a high key setup, but if I can get the level dialled in right it would work well for a kicker as well.... We'll see!
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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I am afraid the pre flash on the STE mode will trigger the optical slave. It will look like the slave is going off, but its a split second before so won't show up on the shot.
This is terribly difficult to figure out, as when you test fire all flashes fire - dont ask me how I know......
The solution is manual mode and everything fires at the same time.
@Zan - this is the YN 468 - allegedly the s2 mode on the built-in slave compensates for preflashes... or am I hoping for too much?
If the optical slave will work with the STE2+2 Canon flash slaves, then the YN can act either as a background light, or - dialled way down - some kind of fill/hairlight. I often find myself gravitating towards 1-light+reflector setups so it's not a huge big deal, but now that I have the two strip boxes it would be fantastic to have a 3rd light to use. I'll let you know if this thing will play nice with the Canon gear!
You do know the guru of all things Speedlighting, Syl Arena?
They will know if you flash works like you want it to!
Plus, you'll just try it and we will all know!
That sounds so you have any examples you feel like posting.
Soft soft light ....and lots of it..... from a flattering angle, thin depth of field....sounds like the recipe to me.
bwahahah - guinea pig...
I figured for $65 I couldn't really go too wrong - here's hoping!
YES! Excellent point. Your shots are lovely, KatHat (should've mentioned that upthread - sorry - am typing in crazy haste these days and I think stuff that sometimes doesn't make it out my fingers into my post!!)
Arrives tomorrow, so we'll see.....
It's actually a surprisingly nice piece of gear in terms of heft and handling, but it won't do what I need it to at the moment. Now have to decide whether to hang on to it until I get some radio triggers so I can use it and the 430ex in manual mode, or just send it back. Hmmm....
Headshot natural light samples
First two are window light and fill, next two are outdoors, final two are window light and fill.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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Aahh, thanks. Ironically, I live in the rain capital of the country (the pacific northwest) and we have 90-degree temps and sun right now. Payback for October through May when it rains here. Hey, you can rent f1.2 lenses for around $30. Rent one and you'll be hooked though. That's what happened to me anyway.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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