YAS (Yet Another Sunset)

I just was in the mood for another sunset..:-)
So I got to my favorite vantage point and took a few shots:




The rest is here:
Canon 20D + 10-22, 17-85 and 28-135 (yes, I used all three for this little exercise:-)
All shot in RAW, some ACR processing, but no PS (too lazy:-)
Enjoy sunset shooting!
So I got to my favorite vantage point and took a few shots:




The rest is here:
Canon 20D + 10-22, 17-85 and 28-135 (yes, I used all three for this little exercise:-)
All shot in RAW, some ACR processing, but no PS (too lazy:-)
Enjoy sunset shooting!
"May the f/stop be with you!"
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I looked at the google map for Western Indiana - and man, there *are* only cornfields and trees...
I guess we all need to count our blessings...
At least you'll get some variation in the ground level next May:-)
Thanks for looking!
Disraeli Photography
"Only when the last tree has died, the last river poisoned, and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money" Cree Indian Proverb
See, I'm not as bad as David is picturing me
Last time it was too late, I would not get there..
Hope your dinner was great, did you take any pikchas? (it's *always* about the food, ain't it?)
Like I said....I knew you were out there.
Disraeli Photography
"Only when the last tree has died, the last river poisoned, and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money" Cree Indian Proverb
It's on my site, my business cards and in some sigs: