My iMac died today

Well, not completely, but it won't boot up. I've tried the various start-up protocols and nothing works. I made an appointment at a repair shop for Monday a.m. but does anyone have any suggestions for anything I could try now?
The computer started slowing down and felt like it was overheating after I installed Lion. And at the same time, Aperture started crashing on me on a regular basis. A connection? :cry
At the moment I am not a happy camper.
Any thoughts on a maximum I should plan to spend on repairs after which it's not worth it and I should go in hock for a new one? :scratch My iMac is a 2008 model.
The computer started slowing down and felt like it was overheating after I installed Lion. And at the same time, Aperture started crashing on me on a regular basis. A connection? :cry
At the moment I am not a happy camper.
Any thoughts on a maximum I should plan to spend on repairs after which it's not worth it and I should go in hock for a new one? :scratch My iMac is a 2008 model.
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Picadilly, NB, Canada
Picadilly, NB, Canada
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Nope. Nada. Can't get past the grey screen. Sigh!
Picadilly, NB, Canada
Thanks. If it ever comes on again, I will do this for sure.
Picadilly, NB, Canada
Picadilly, NB, Canada
Unfortunately, when it died, she had just uploaded photos from three clients, and was heading out to a new assignment so she reformatted her CF cards in-camera, thus effectively losing the old photos. She also thought Macs were reliable, and had intended to back up later that day. Just bad luck or bad timing, but that was exactly when the computer decided to fry the hard-drive. Could not have been worse... losing three clients' photos, one of which was a non-repeatable event.
We learn by doing, I guess. Now we make sure we take the time to back-up immediately upon upload, and we also began using Time Machine.
Experiencing the same right now on a 8 mo old iMac. Took it to Apple and the hard drive is "stuck". As explained, it is mechanical an mechanical "sh_t" happens. Fortunately it was being backed up to a time capsule so when I get it back Tues I will be able to reinstall the files. Makes a case for a solid state drive.
I'm lucky that away, all Of my photos are stored on an external hard drive and backed up simultaneously to another external hard drive and I don't reformat my cards until that is all done, something I also learned the hard way. But it is bloody inconvenient not having my workhorse computer available to me for a couple of days. Errrggghhhhhh!
Picadilly, NB, Canada
I hope that mine can be similarly fixed and quickly too. Having experienced unreliable PCs for years I learned that backups and redundancies are my friends!
Picadilly, NB, Canada
Have you ever run any directory repair on the drive? I like Disk Warrior. Over time the directory corruptions can overtake a drive and cause it to fail.
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It is critically important to back up not only to a backup drive, but also to an offsite location. (I use crashplan.)
Ouch! Can you take it to a repair shop, maybe they can at least get the data off?
Picadilly, NB, Canada
The hard drive is toast but a replacement is only about $100 plus labour. I'm also getting some more
RAM installed. That will be good. Luckily I am careful about backs so I can recoup most of my stuff. And I will check on all the Lion weirdness as well.
Picadilly, NB, Canada
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The final story is less than $300 for a new hard drive, 4th of RAM and the associated labour. I am happy.
Picadilly, NB, Canada
Take a look at Acronis True Image .....I have not used True Image, as I have the older version called Migrate was the only software I could find to clone my "C" drive that ever piece of installed software worked peoperly...I was having trouble getting MS office to totally work and also the Photoshops and other adobe software I had with all the top recommended software...but Acronis came I keep a total of 3 "c" drive availble (1 in machine and 2 back ups) and I re-clone the back ups anytime I add new software....what this has saved me in time is doesn't want to boot...pull the c drive and pop in a clone.....if it comes up and boots then it was drive, if not then it is probably mobo......
Art, she's got a Mac.
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I'm picking up the machine today and will find out how well Time Machine stores info... And let you all know.
Picadilly, NB, Canada
Then tuck it away somewhere safe. Every once in a while, run CCC to incrementally backup new updates, apps etc.
Someday, when you have a problem again, you can plug in this HD, and boot from it. If you are lucky you can access the internal drive on the Mac, grab important files, or run diagnostic software to repair it yourself. Then you can donate to CCC.
Thanks very much. Had never heard or this.
Picadilly, NB, Canada
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Thank you! Now all I have to do is reinstall my software, sigh. I should be up and at 'em by tomorrow!
Picadilly, NB, Canada
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Back in business. Software installed. Files recovered. Next to take your advice and download CCC. Portable hard drive purchased and ready to use.
Thank you and everyone for your advice and support!
And thank god I'm paranoid and back everything up. My hard drive crash cost me time and inconvenience but not disasters.
Picadilly, NB, Canada