Moonrise, sunset, from same place

Above, I used my 17-40 at 24 mm, I was nervous, they were all at f 10, I gave up on manual and went to AV, they were all 400 ISO the above one was
1/50 th second, EV -.33 (my monopod was "miles" away in my car, I did not expect this, I was not thinking, I guess......all I cared about was the tide and the birds, smile. Instead of birds, I got these. Didn't deserve them, but I got them.)
I was on the old Pitt street bridge, a walking area now.........
I looked to my left, saw the moonrise, took some photos, then turned to my right and
took a photo of the sunset.........glad I did.

Above the lens was at 40mm EV -2 at 1250 sec. I was trying different things to try to get everything somewhat exposed.
The moon was absolutely gorgeous. Low in the sky it was the size of a beach ball. I tried my wide angle with it, and my 70-200, as I wanted something a bit different. Wonderful experience!
Below the lens was at 38 mm, 1/320 sec, EV -2

ginger (that moon was not manipulated. low in the sky, it worked!) The gods smiled!
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
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You (your eye) + Right time (Gods smiling) = Great captures.
Disraeli Photography
"Only when the last tree has died, the last river poisoned, and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money" Cree Indian Proverb
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Has the emotion and colors captured perfectly!
I love it.
I think you could get more out of these shots with better PP. What did you actually do?
Want to answer Rutt. I don't know what I did, actually.
I have an idea of what I might have done, but I don't approach PP from an organized stand point. I start out that way, but I don't always end that way. Well, I usually do end that way, it is the middle that I never know about.
I do know that I do not like lots of the sunsets and photographs that I see posted, just personally. I do not like my sunsets to "burn". I like a certain amt of subtlety in just about everything I do. I do the type stuff that anyone who looks at it and wants to be helpful says, "you might try some more curves". I know this morning I was doing more curves than usual, but these were done last night. Even though they are dark by nature, I probably still put a tad of the black channel from CMYK, then back to rgb.......
I am very tired again. I do have some very strange colored bird shots, unposted so far. I didn't know really at all what to do in post. I have a golden Night Heron, and as far as I know, that is not a new breed, it is the "sweet light" effect. Will let you know when I post that. I worked it up, but I am curious what others would do with it. And it carries on the discussion we had before..................
I am debating whether to go back to that place in an hour or so. That is one reason I am not taking a lot of time here. It is a place close by where I frequently go. The harbor is on the one side (sunset) and the marsh is on the other side (moon rise). Smile, I will remember that for next month, but the weather was just perfect last night.
The moonrise without the photographer is really nice, and that's the shot I was thinking could use some work. I like that it's cool and dark looking with muted colors, but I'm thinking you could hold the shadow details better without having to make it any lighter. Maybe just a tad of shadow/highlight, but that's not the real issue. The trick is how you treat the K channel.
I just wanted to say that I think it is funny that sunset came out so good. It was the fasted grab shot I ever did, I think. It is quite literally a "snap" shot.
I might try to repeat tonight, weather is similar, but it is so hard to repeat.
But I do want to get out of here.
Is the one with the photographer hopeless, I really like that one. I like all of them, though.
Not at all. Probably what works for one moon shot will work for both, more or less. The first one just caught my eye.
A photographer's nightmare, smile, for Mere....... They say to always have one's camera "there". I have had my camera with me and missed the shot. I did it last night as I tried to repeat the sunset...............I don't know what I got with the moon, haven't tried to work it up yet.
Darn, I have been so busy working on "stuff" here for the challenge, fall colors, a special perfect nature photo, I have not even been reading the paper or watching the news.
So there I am ready to leave the Pitt Street bridge area and other people show up with their cameras........has happened two nights in a row. The first night, with these shots...........well, I am glad that I got them. I love them, and if I got anything last night, they are not the same shots at all.
If I miss the bird, don't have my camera, can't get the light right, so many things, I try to tell myself that I have my memories. However, as a photographer..............
I am glad you saw the moon, mere. Sorry you didn't have your camera.
Rutt, thanks for letting me know that the shot with the photgrapher is not a loss. The moon is bigger in the other photo, but I do love the added touch of the photographer. She was there last night. Same shirt and all, but she was having none of my standing back and getting her in the frame. Nobody was. Finally, all I had was the moon. I did speak to her, the model from the night before, told her I would e-mail the photo of her and gave her my card.
I like the different perspectives in time and angle. The second one has wonderful color definition.