
Event Favorites as a Text File?

BradfordBennBradfordBenn Registered Users Posts: 2,506 Major grins
edited September 12, 2011 in SmugMug Pro Sales Support
Hello All-

I have setup an event for a shoot I did. I setup favorites for the client so that they can pick their favorites. I thought out the process and using the event as a way for the stakeholders to pick their favorites so I knew which ones to deliver. That is where my planning fell a little short.

So now I have six galleries with multiple favorites in it that different people marked. The Scope of Work says I should turn over 10 images. So I was just going to go through and see where the overlaps were and see if ten popped up from there. However I would have to write down the images manually, to make the votes count. Is there a way to export a list of the favorites from each gallery?

The idea being I would have a list (a CSV file) that would have
Person, Favorite Image File Name


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