DSS 85 - Playing with Orton!

Woohoo! This is really fun!
I have a smattering of each. (Maybe plethora is a better word.
First the abstracts.
#1 This is camera movement of my Desktop Wallpaper - a shot I took several years ago.

#2 From My Neighbor's Garden

#3 Seen on an Evening Stroll

#4 Fernscape

#5 Black-Eyed Susans

#6 Bird in Hand?

#7 Evening Falls

Now for something completely different.
#8 Picnic

#9 Collection

#10 Collection 2

#11 Deflation

#12 Deflation 2

#13 Resting

#14 Patriotism

#15 Sunset - I am not sure the Orton effect really works here.
I have a smattering of each. (Maybe plethora is a better word.

First the abstracts.
#1 This is camera movement of my Desktop Wallpaper - a shot I took several years ago.

#2 From My Neighbor's Garden

#3 Seen on an Evening Stroll

#4 Fernscape

#5 Black-Eyed Susans

#6 Bird in Hand?

#7 Evening Falls

Now for something completely different.
#8 Picnic

#9 Collection

#10 Collection 2

#11 Deflation

#12 Deflation 2

#13 Resting

#14 Patriotism

#15 Sunset - I am not sure the Orton effect really works here.

I love the effect you got with #5. Is it one exposure? I took several shots of black-eyed susans and didn't get anything as lovely as this! Fun to see what you achieved.
Both 6 and 7 are unusual and dramatic, with refreshing colors. (If you go with 7, you might want to clean up the noise a bit.)
I find the composition of 13 appealing and like the depth of this shot. I still getting a handle on the "Orton effect" but wonder whether it would benefit from having the exposure bumped up a notch?
Oh, and last time I looked at the entries, there was already a sunset entry.
Hope this is helpful input!
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#5 is one shot. I was trying for an effect that showed movement through the flowers and was very pleased with the way this one turned out.
# 6 and #7 are palm fronds against the evening sky. I was amazed at how much difference the shape of the subject makes in the final result.
I'll see what I can do about noise reduction on #7 and exposure on #13.
I have another of the sunflowers that I forgot on the first set. This one the original Orton effect.
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If I post it, please tell me how to make it better. My fragile ego can take it.
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
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For the challenge #3 is my favorite. I love the color patterns and striations in it. On this monitor it looks like it could just a minor curves adjustment to brighten it a little but.
Thanks, Gretchen! I was not able to remove the noise from #7 without also removing some of the sharpness at the edges. This was the best I could do.
I did increase the brightness in #13 and I think it improves it.
Thanks, Chad!
Thanks, StueveShots! Three different favorites from Chad.
Thanks, Sandi! I'm so glad someone likes the little boy with his rock collection.
Thanks, Kate!
Thanks, Chris!
Thanks, Karin!
Thanks, Leah!
Thanks, Lisa! It seems to be a favorite for a lot of people.
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Thanks, Linda! Stunning is good.
I like the soft colors in #3. Here is a reprocessed version.