using api to stream password protected video to i app
i am working on an iPad/iPhone app and was think about using smug mug for our video streaming. I will have about 100 or so 5min max videos and wanted to call them to load from the app. It looks like smug mug can do this but I wanted to play them the default iPad/phone player and not the web. Also I want to have the videos or the entire site password protected and send the token or session thru the app so the user does not have to type anything and they will not know the password or token
Can this be Dione with your API?
Can this be Dione with your API?
Yes, this is possible. As long as the application is only accessing your own videos and you can bake in the gallery password into the app this should be fine.
If you want the application to access other users videos you have to use Oauth (with Smugmug API 1.3.0) to authorize the application to access users videos.