Harry http://behret.smugmug.com/NANPA member How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
I've got one also chattering away at me on occasion. He started hanging around when my cat was a kitten. One day I swear he was swearing away at me because he didn't have a clue how to get the full grown cat. Kept following over her. She's big enough to hold her own now, and I'm afraid no one wants to mess with her now. But the Cooper still comes by due to the bird feeder.
Look around in your area he might have a family and nest somewhere. I found 3 babies last year nearby, and 4 this year!
We lost a number of songbirds and doves due to hawks, not something I care to witness in my backyard. Now when a hawk sets it sites on an easy meal the feeders are taken down until the hawk moves on.
Hi Harry, many thanks for the nice review and confirmation on the ID! Very appreciated!
Hi Dave, thanks so much! This is the first time we've seen one around the house...lucky you!
Hi Linda, and yikes on the cat story! Wouldn't want to take bets on the outcome of that match! Thanks for the tip on looking for a nest...great idea!
Hi Leilani, that sounds awful! I can't blame you for taking your feeders down. This is a young, not so stealthy one, and the songbirds seemed to vacate for the day. I don't want him eating "my" birds, but I still hope he found something to eat...go figure . Many thanks for the kind comments!
Hi Yaflyyadie, many thanks for the very kind review!
http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Look around in your area he might have a family and nest somewhere. I found 3 babies last year nearby, and 4 this year!
Good shot, it is a beautiful bird.
Right background for its color.
Hi Dave, thanks so much! This is the first time we've seen one around the house...lucky you!
Hi Linda, and yikes on the cat story! Wouldn't want to take bets on the outcome of that match! Thanks for the tip on looking for a nest...great idea!
Hi Leilani, that sounds awful! I can't blame you for taking your feeders down. This is a young, not so stealthy one, and the songbirds seemed to vacate for the day. I don't want him eating "my" birds, but I still hope he found something to eat...go figure
Hi Yaflyyadie, many thanks for the very kind review!
Thanks so much for stopping by everyone!
Dennis Kaczor Photography
Hi Denis, thanks so much! You've got it...those chickadees are no dummies!
Cheers, pear