does anybody have a polaroid camera? <$100

Hey guys!
Anybody on here selling (or maybe now considering to sell) their polaroid camera?
Let me know.
Thanks so much :lust
Anybody on here selling (or maybe now considering to sell) their polaroid camera?
Let me know.
Thanks so much :lust
I have a 600 that needs repair. It takes film and spits out serveral shots. As you know polaroid film is not easy to come by and expensive at the Impossible Project.
It's yours if you want to have it fixed, but it might not be worth it.
I do recommend that you try the Impossible Project for cameras and film.
I do love my polaroid cameras. I have 3, the one that needs work is yours. I've been thinking of taking it in to have repaired, but I already have another 600.
People here on dgrin have been unbeleivable to me and it would be great to be able to help another dgrinner out.
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Ebay is full of Polariods