
Now and then...

KTBoom2006-E510KTBoom2006-E510 Registered Users Posts: 437 Major grins
edited September 23, 2011 in People
It has been quite a long time since I have posted in this forum. I had hand surgery last year and was afraid to hold my camera (with my favorite, expensive lens). It took until this year for me to start back into my business and oh how I have missed it. I stil am a little shaky with my hand, not sure bc if nervous or the hand stength is not all the way back. Anyways, here are some pictures I took of my daughter yesterday real quick. These were also taken in natural light. She is 4 so she is very impatient and wanted to be done only after 1/2 hour of shooting.

Anyways, here it is....













2 Canon Rebel XSi
Tamron 70-200mm f2.8
2 Canon 14-55mm
Canon 55-250mm f4.0
Canon 580EX
Canon 580EX II


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    KTBoom2006-E510KTBoom2006-E510 Registered Users Posts: 437 Major grins
    edited September 17, 2011
    Wow.... No feedback or comments??? eek7.gif


    2 Canon Rebel XSi
    Tamron 70-200mm f2.8
    2 Canon 14-55mm
    Canon 55-250mm f4.0
    Canon 580EX
    Canon 580EX II
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    jirojiro Registered Users Posts: 1,865 Major grins
    edited September 17, 2011
    A bit soft on the focus for my taste but overall it's quite nice actually. Loved #7 as the winner because nothing was cutoff from her and the background worked beautifully on your composition. Hope your hand heal well soon. thumb.gif
    Sitting quietly, doing nothing. Spring comes and the grass grows by itself.

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    VayCayMomVayCayMom Registered Users Posts: 1,870 Major grins
    edited September 18, 2011
    wow, you managed a lot for 30 minutes! And don't complain that was all she was willing to do, sometimes it can be more like 5 minutes! Have you considered a monopod to help until your hand is 100%?
    I have weak muscles and I use mine a lot, it helps me take sharper pictures too.
    CUTE CUTE photos! my pics are the white dress and the football jersey.

    NIKON D700
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    KTBoom2006-E510KTBoom2006-E510 Registered Users Posts: 437 Major grins
    edited September 18, 2011
    Hi, thank you both for the comments. I have noticed the pictures were a little softer than what I had taken before and that is why I thought my hand shakiness is a problem. I definitely have thought about getting a monopod and probably will do so soon. I also have a lens that does not have as good as AF as the 2.8, but it is "IS" and probably will help with keeping the pictures a little more sharp until I get the monopod (hope to get it really soon bc I love my Tamron lens). Again, thank you. I still would like more comments or favorites by others.... So lets keep the comments coming or suggestions.

    Also, how do I keep the blue sky from bleaching out and turning white?


    2 Canon Rebel XSi
    Tamron 70-200mm f2.8
    2 Canon 14-55mm
    Canon 55-250mm f4.0
    Canon 580EX
    Canon 580EX II
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    briandelionbriandelion Registered Users Posts: 512 Major grins
    edited September 18, 2011
    Love #'s 5 & 6. If you can emphasize the catch lights in the eyes I think it will make a big difference.
    "Photography is not about the thing photographed.
    It is about how that thing looks photographed." Garry Winogrand

    Avatar credit: photograph by Duane Michals- picture of me, 'Smash Palace' album
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    KTBoom2006-E510KTBoom2006-E510 Registered Users Posts: 437 Major grins
    edited September 19, 2011
    How is this for emphasizing the catch lighs?



    2 Canon Rebel XSi
    Tamron 70-200mm f2.8
    2 Canon 14-55mm
    Canon 55-250mm f4.0
    Canon 580EX
    Canon 580EX II
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    briandelionbriandelion Registered Users Posts: 512 Major grins
    edited September 19, 2011
    How is this for emphasizing the catch lighs?

    thumb.gifvery nice!
    "Photography is not about the thing photographed.
    It is about how that thing looks photographed." Garry Winogrand

    Avatar credit: photograph by Duane Michals- picture of me, 'Smash Palace' album
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    theprincereturnstheprincereturns Registered Users Posts: 132 Major grins
    edited September 19, 2011
    Very nice. Anyone would love getting pictures like that of their children!
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    KTBoom2006-E510KTBoom2006-E510 Registered Users Posts: 437 Major grins
    edited September 19, 2011
    Thank you very much. I am quite happy with this set, I know it is not as sharp as I want it to be or it should be, but it is a good set to have around the house. I am going to work on my hand problem and hope to get some very sharp photographs of her.


    2 Canon Rebel XSi
    Tamron 70-200mm f2.8
    2 Canon 14-55mm
    Canon 55-250mm f4.0
    Canon 580EX
    Canon 580EX II
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    theprincereturnstheprincereturns Registered Users Posts: 132 Major grins
    edited September 21, 2011
    What lens & aperature were you using primarily? The pictures are a bit on the soft side, but it doesn't look like it is from camera shake to me. More likely wide aperature softness, or maybe a little off focus. I always check the lens reviews at www.dpreview.com for how my lenses perform at different aperatures and focal lengths to make sure I avoid the rough spots (as every lens has some).
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    KTBoom2006-E510KTBoom2006-E510 Registered Users Posts: 437 Major grins
    edited September 21, 2011
    HI. I was using my Tamron 70-200 mm Lens at 2.8 AF. I took more pictures with it on a different thread called "Lighting with Sudio" and it seemed to be clear with those, but I used my flash on those instead of natural light.....


    2 Canon Rebel XSi
    Tamron 70-200mm f2.8
    2 Canon 14-55mm
    Canon 55-250mm f4.0
    Canon 580EX
    Canon 580EX II
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    theprincereturnstheprincereturns Registered Users Posts: 132 Major grins
    edited September 21, 2011
    I thought I recognized the softness ;-) I have the Tamron 70-200 as well. From 100mm up it is much sharper at f4 then at f2.8. There is also a dip in sharpness right around 135mm that gets better higher up. I usually try to avoid 110-150mm range if i can. Take a look at this review and play around with the focal length and aperature to get an idea of sharpness you are looking for: http://www.dpreview.com/lensreviews/tamron_70-200_2p8_c16/page4.asp

    Upping the aperature to F4 also gives you a little more depth of field to play with on your focal point without affecting your blured background much. Good luck.
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    KTBoom2006-E510KTBoom2006-E510 Registered Users Posts: 437 Major grins
    edited September 21, 2011
    Ok, thank you a bunch for that information. I will definitely play around with it and find out where is my "sweet" spot with good blurring affect. I really do appreciate your help!


    2 Canon Rebel XSi
    Tamron 70-200mm f2.8
    2 Canon 14-55mm
    Canon 55-250mm f4.0
    Canon 580EX
    Canon 580EX II
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    theprincereturnstheprincereturns Registered Users Posts: 132 Major grins
    edited September 21, 2011
    No problem at all. Glad to be of help and best wishes for future shoots!
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    CCoopCCoop Registered Users Posts: 511 Major grins
    edited September 21, 2011
    Love the pleasant facial expression in no. 2, and the background blur. Might crop just above the knees--what do you think?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    FoquesFoques Registered Users Posts: 1,951 Major grins
    edited September 23, 2011
    ahh the reminder why I got rid of my tamron..

    Good framing, sir!
    Arseny - the too honest guy.
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