Got a few shots near Benezette last week. The Elk are beginning the breeding season now and may often be seen grazing in the fields with their harem of cows.
Wow, fantastic shots. I spent the week chasing the Michigan Elk last week but didn't get anything this good. 3 looks like a crop of 2, great detail. What gear were you using? You either have alot of reach or this guy was close.
Thank you JS, appreciate the kind words. I was using a Canon 50D and 70-200 2.8 IS lens and honestly it was too much. The bull was so close I could smell it. :puke1 Not a good thing considering it had just came from a wallow and was emitting musk like crazy.
3 is a crop I liked the kind of mournful look on his face and in his eyes and tried to get the viewer to see it also.
Hope you get into them too. I'm heading back sometime this week as I hear there banging heads now and that is always fun to shoot.
Great captures of the brutish power of these guys. I'm going there the 2nd weekend in Oct. and hope I can even come close to what you got.
Thank you and I am sure you will, they should be in rare form by then.
To answer your question JS, they are used to seeing people and being photographed and usually great photo opportunities may be had. Couple their tolerance with the fact this guy had his mind set on getting to an area where the ground was cluttered with apples and the moment was gold.
Marionet, just a suggestion. Get to the top of the viewing area at Winslow Hill before daylight then hit the new Elk Center area as they have been hanging around there too. Grab lunch at the Benezette Hotel then drive the surrounding back roads an hour or so before dark and I'll bet you score some great shots. ( Thats usually my routine )
Be prepared for a chance at some good whitetail buck shots also, saw a few dandy's last trip up.
Wow, No, Michigan Elk are not going for that in my experiance. They would be headed for the woods. I have to wear full camo, work from downwind and stay hidden.
Beautiful set. I love the close-up in particular. He does look mournful... almost weary. He's hauling around one heck of a rack of antlers, so I'd say the weariness is earned.
Dennis KaczorRegistered UsersPosts: 2,413Major grins
edited September 21, 2011
Very nice set of images, I also like the close up.
3 is a crop I liked the kind of mournful look on his face and in his eyes and tried to get the viewer to see it also.
Hope you get into them too. I'm heading back sometime this week as I hear there banging heads now and that is always fun to shoot.
Thank you and I am sure you will, they should be in rare form by then.
To answer your question JS, they are used to seeing people and being photographed and usually great photo opportunities may be had. Couple their tolerance with the fact this guy had his mind set on getting to an area where the ground was cluttered with apples and the moment was gold.
Marionet, just a suggestion. Get to the top of the viewing area at Winslow Hill before daylight then hit the new Elk Center area as they have been hanging around there too. Grab lunch at the Benezette Hotel then drive the surrounding back roads an hour or so before dark and I'll bet you score some great shots. ( Thats usually my routine )
Be prepared for a chance at some good whitetail buck shots also, saw a few dandy's last trip up.
Have fun,
I took this one of a writer friend of mine getting up close and personal with a few cow elk.
Dennis Kaczor Photography
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