BUG: HTML5, FLash and Java uploaders do not accept .OGG/OGV files.
The HTML file uploader does not accept .OGG/OGVfiles via drag/drop or by Browse, rejecting as "Wrong file type".
The Flash uploader does not accept .OGG/OGV files via drag/drop, reject with (/) markup. It does accept them via Browse, however.
The Java uploader does not accept .OGG/OGV files via drag/drop or by Browse, but does not give an error.
http://help.smugmug.com/customer/portal/articles/84571-accepted-video-formats indicates that OGG is a supported format. .OGV is the standard OGG video extension (.OGG is deprecated but also still used.) Once uploaded the ogg vidfeo processes and displays correctly.
The Flash uploader does not accept .OGG/OGV files via drag/drop, reject with (/) markup. It does accept them via Browse, however.
The Java uploader does not accept .OGG/OGV files via drag/drop or by Browse, but does not give an error.
http://help.smugmug.com/customer/portal/articles/84571-accepted-video-formats indicates that OGG is a supported format. .OGV is the standard OGG video extension (.OGG is deprecated but also still used.) Once uploaded the ogg vidfeo processes and displays correctly.