The Harbor And The Marsh: colors

One called Yellow is below:

Another yellow in a more "modern" style:

Another one I called Yellow: The Tree with Yellow Flowers

All of these were taken this afternoon: Monday October 17, 2005, or actually they were taken this evening and worked up this evening. Other things were taken this morning and this afternoon.
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
I think I like the second frame the best. The first shot seems "over centered" to me, but I like the camo concept of the bird being hidden in the grass. There was a wildlife photgrapher whose career was based on this concept, but for the life of me I cannot remember it right now.
In your last frame, you have several dust bunnies in the sky that need attending. It is a lovely scene too.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
These look great,but if you dont mind me saying,the third shot could use a little rotating to get the horizon more level,great colors in it though,I can see why you photographed it.
The last shot is my fav,I realy like what you have captured in this one,so simple yet very beautiful.Thanks for sharing these
but they made me give it back.
That was very late, I thought I would put it up today. This smugmug thing is annoying. It is not always, and it does not appear to happen at the same time to everyone. It is selective. I enjoyed good days when others could not work anything. However, my site has been rearranged a bit, I have trouble downloading, and last night was the worst when it came to the dust bunny fix that I had ready to download, upload, whatever, and bring over and exchange, "before" anyone noticed, smile.
It gave me the download thing, but the things you click on were not right. One was missing, the one that says "upload", and there was one in computer speak. I don't speak that language, so it just looked futile.
Gubbs, maybe that is why you can't see them, perhaps my site was "down" at the moment you looked. I did not remove them, neither did I change anything. In fact my computer has not been on. I went to bed.
Thanks Iceman, I like that tree, too. Best tree I have ever shot, and I worked it. I do not do trees well as a rule. The trees and bushes at that place are so interesting. They have been beaten about by the weather.
The second shot, I noticed the light, yeah!, and I thought that if I were ever going to get a shot of that scene, that would be the time, then I had trouble doing it. Not a normal composure to me. I have different "frames" of the same subject. That is the only one where the road is included, it is totally full frame. I think they all are.
I left the horizon crooked on the more modern shot on purpose. Artistic license, I like it, and I can understand why others don't.
Thanks for looking all. Gubbs, I hope you can see it next time you look. Thanks all for commenting.
ginger (dust bunny shot taken care of. Smugmug uploading again, for me.)
Please let me know, anyone else, if you have trouble seeing.
I love the one called camoufluage. Very fitting.
I enjoyed taking them.
ginger (and good morning to all!) I am going to take my dogs to the beach.
Maybe will get there to see the sunrise, but w 3 dogs, don't know re photos.
Your eye is good, trust it.
We seem to have missed out on fall in the north east this year, it's great to see some of the colours you have found.
What is the tower in the background of your second shot?
David that is the Sullivan's Island light house. It is still used. I used to live right across the street from it and the old coast guard station that is there. Then a hurricane came in !989.
Yes, that water is like glass. That was as evening was coming on. I think things are generally pretty still then. Mosquitos come out, birds go to bed, etc.
I have noticed that something must have knocked all the leaves off the trees in the northeast, the usually most glorious place for fall color. Maybe you will get some yet??
Thanks for stopping, both of you, looking and commenting. I really appreciate it.
I'm a little late, but I just had to say something. I really love these. The colors are so beautiful in all of them. I like the fact that you left the horizon tilted in that one shot. When I saw it, I knew you did that on purpose. It gives it a special sort of energy. I like it.
I love that last tree too. It's so interesting. Very nice indeed.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog