Not to be contrary but I find the ripples distracting so prefer #2. I also like that there is more sky visible to balance out the scene. The horizon line moved to dead center may really set it off.
My take is slightly different... I like the composition of the first shot - the ripples and the horizon above center. But... I prefer the processing in the second shot (maybe with a bit of drama added to the sky).
I do agree that the scene processes nicely in B&W.
Thanks all. I don't have them open right now to check "history", but iirc I think I copied/pasted settings from 1 into 2 and thus actually used the same processing on them! They're different shots (note the positions of the geese) rather than 2 versions of the same one. Weird how they took it differently. I did both of them in LR alone, believe it or not .... and they were shot with my s95 (pns) - we took the dog up to the reservoir and I just liked the geese on the water!
I'll check them out and incorporate suggestions . I'd hoped to do some of my fave kind of bw portraits for this challenge - I do a lot of conversions - but haven't had a subject in the right time period.
Great shots, divamum. It is interesting that you used the same my eyes, they do seem different. I prefer #1, but would like to see the contrast pushed just a bit so that the shapes on the water (and the ripples, I suspect) pop just a bit more.
This photo is tough, its kind of like trying to get a grasp on the piece but my eyes just seems to wander through it looking for something to focus on. The post-processing and crop is good on #1, but its still missing that anchor. The dead space in the water just doesn't hold it up. Not trying to sound negative but that's how I see it.
No disagreement from me, Mr Peas - that's kind of my feeling about it too! Haven't had time to shoot something especially this week though, so I've tweaked #1 and submitted it. Kind of fun to push myself to do something a little different - landscape is definitely NOT my forte, and it's always fun to see what I can do with the limitations of a pns (even a very good pns like the s95)
I'm such a b&w lover that I'm sad time was too short to do some portraits "to order" - I'd have loved to do something like this one (which isn't eligible - shot back in August!). Oh well!!
Nice, I like #1. The uncropped ripples of water on the lower right bring me right in.
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Actually #1 with a bit more sky, if possible...
I do agree that the scene processes nicely in B&W.
Check out billseye photos on SmugMug
I'll check them out and incorporate suggestions
I'm such a b&w lover that I'm sad time was too short to do some portraits "to order" - I'd have loved to do something like this one (which isn't eligible - shot back in August!). Oh well!!