Airshow Kit
Heading to the Miramar air show this weekend and still trying to decide what to bring. For bodies I will probably bring both my 40d and 5dmkII but can't decide on which tele lens. I have 70-200 2.8 and 100-400 4.5-5.6. Would definitely prefer not to lug around the 100-400 if possible, do you think 200 will be enough reach on the 5d?
My "trick" was to wear an old pair of jeans with a coin pocket. I had the 40D/Bigma strap over my chest and off to the right side, but the lens' "foot" was hooked onto the coin pocket of the jeans, putting the weight onto my hips. I walked around for hours with no sitting down and no resting, and it really wasn't too bad.
I had the 5D-MKII/28-80L in front for the ground images and people stuff.
I also had a full "slinger" style backpack on my back and a tripod with a video head, to show you what a glutton for punishment I was.
The "belle of the ball" by far was the "Esther Mae", currently owned by DC3 Flying Circus. She was built in December, 1945, and is one of only 28 - DC3 3D airplanes ever made. She is believed to be the only flying copy that survives today.
While the owners were not allowing most people aboard, they noticed me out there 2 days in a row, loaded with equipment, and the owners allowed me a rare glimpse of the inside (spoiler alert, it is gorgeous, inside and out
A couple with the 40D/Bigma:
... and a 100 percent crop:
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
If the day is dull and dreary then the 70-200mm, f2.8 would have use (and the 100-400mm would be less useful.) If you have to shoot late in the day or at night, the faster lens for sure.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
I shoot air shows with a 7D with my Tamron 200-500mm, and a 5DMkii with a 24-105 IS L. One long and one wide, nothing else really needed. If they will let you use a tripod, bring it, but I never seem to be where tripods are permitted at air shows.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I'd get 40d + 100-400 and 5D + widest WA you have.
70-200 is not for this type of events, unless your primary subjects are people in the crowd..
To get prop blur (instead of freeze-frame) for the flybys set Shutter Priority around 1/100s. Any slower and you'd have image smudged, especially if they show P3 mustangs (those guys are FAST).
For Jets you woulldn't have that issue, so shoot at highest shutter speed (I would even tweak ISO to 400).
In this kind of situations I usually prepare User settings for varios scenarios: normal, "prop plane", "jet" - somehting like that - so I don't waste time fiddling with the settings.