
EVENT: featured on homepage

vdotmatrixvdotmatrix Registered Users Posts: 343 Major grins
edited September 28, 2011 in SmugMug Pro Sales Support
So I had a number of events from the first half of the year "Featured " on the homepage.

A thumbnail appeared there and visitors immediately were able to go to the event and buy images.

After a reasonable period of time, I removed the "featured" events from the homepage by I think unchecking the box in the manage event section.

Months later I get a couple of people who want to jump in again.

but when I turn on the event and check both boxes, feature and password protect i get nothing on the HP. I also went to a gallery within the event and featured an image because I read in another thread that you had to do that.....

Anyway I know you guys have seen this before and I just can't find the info I need pouring through a ba-zillion posts...thanks again for your help. BTW, I know I can just send the link from the manage events section, but I did, but I want to know what to do inthe future to turn an event back on again



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    rainforest1155rainforest1155 Registered Users Posts: 4,566 Major grins
    edited September 28, 2011
    On your homepage, check the 'homepage layout' button. That's where you can enable/disable the different homepage boxes, among them the featured events box.

    Keep in mind that only public events can be featured. The ones set to unlisted can't be displayed on your homepage as a featured event. It's listed as a gotcha in the "customize your event settings" section here:

    I'm not sure what you mean by "turn an event back on". Events don't really expire unless you delete the event in which case it'll be removed irretrievably (the event favorite galleries will still be kept).

    SmugMug Support Hero
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