Trademark questions?
I have been asked to cease and desist using my domain name by the owner of They registered Absolute Inspirations with the feds in 2009 with several uses, one of them is selling inspirational photo blocks and inspirational art.
I registered my domain name in early 2006 or late 2005 and used it for about a year promoting a business idea making custom jewelry and other items using a 25 watt laser. I never registered it with the feds for two reasons. First we were running a very lean business model so money was tight, and second I felt it was too generic. In late 2006 I was offered a job I could not refuse and so that business idea was shelved for future use.
About 2-3 months ago I choose to get a Smugmug account and host my photos, more as a hobby that might make a little money. I also use the site as my portfolio page and reference it on my resume and in cover letters, as I am looking another job due to the downturn in construction.
One major reason why I can't do photography full time or start that business up again is, we found out in 2008 my wife had stage 3 colon cancer. So I must maintain insurance for her care, hence the job hunt.
I have done the basic internet research spending about 10 hours reading up on it.
What are your suggestions about answering there letter?

Our booth at INATs West in 2006.
I registered my domain name in early 2006 or late 2005 and used it for about a year promoting a business idea making custom jewelry and other items using a 25 watt laser. I never registered it with the feds for two reasons. First we were running a very lean business model so money was tight, and second I felt it was too generic. In late 2006 I was offered a job I could not refuse and so that business idea was shelved for future use.
About 2-3 months ago I choose to get a Smugmug account and host my photos, more as a hobby that might make a little money. I also use the site as my portfolio page and reference it on my resume and in cover letters, as I am looking another job due to the downturn in construction.
One major reason why I can't do photography full time or start that business up again is, we found out in 2008 my wife had stage 3 colon cancer. So I must maintain insurance for her care, hence the job hunt.
I have done the basic internet research spending about 10 hours reading up on it.
What are your suggestions about answering there letter?

Our booth at INATs West in 2006.
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