
Branding PNG/GIF Disappears on Checkout... BUG?

titaniumphototitaniumphoto Registered Users Posts: 51 Big grins
edited October 4, 2011 in SmugMug Pro Sales Support

I had to reset my branding PNG file several times. Every few months, when I play with the checkout process, and pretend to order a print, the my brand image shows up as blank. Then I go through the process up re-uploading the same image - which now shows up just fine.

Is this a bug or has anyone found this in their checkout process via their customers or tests?

I use a PRO account. See www.titaniumphoto.com

As of today/now, its working - but I seen this now like 3 times...

Any guidance, help or /...... chatter?

Most Appreciated
Todd Materazzi


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    jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited October 3, 2011

    I had to reset my branding PNG file several times. Every few months, when I play with the checkout process, and pretend to order a print, the my brand image shows up as blank. Then I go through the process up re-uploading the same image - which now shows up just fine.

    Is this a bug or has anyone found this in their checkout process via their customers or tests?

    I use a PRO account. See www.titaniumphoto.com

    As of today/now, its working - but I seen this now like 3 times...

    Any guidance, help or /...... chatter?

    Most Appreciated
    Todd Materazzi
    Do you have external linking enabled in the gallery where the image is located? If not, then it may work in your browser as long as the image is in your browser cache and then once it ages out of your cache, it won't work any more.
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    titaniumphototitaniumphoto Registered Users Posts: 51 Big grins
    edited October 4, 2011
    Reply to Thread: Branding PNG/GIF Disappears on Checkout... BUG?

    I had some galleries with External Linking ON and some OFF. Now, they are all ON - I found this when I did clear my cache while adjusting external linking. Thank you so much!! The image is associated with the Shopping Cart - but what you stated, there must be a correlation between External Linking on the Shopping Cart Branding Image, Correct?

    If so, would Smugmug consider not associating a branding image (for purposes of showcasing the shopping experience) to "External Linking"? Reason: It just wasn't obvious - I was more concerned with adjusting the shopping experience - which for itself - can be another set of customizations for the shopping experience rather than grouping and linking customizations, on behalf of the user; that was unintuitive.

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    rainforest1155rainforest1155 Registered Users Posts: 4,566 Major grins
    edited October 4, 2011
    It's important that the gallery (or galleries) where you have your site files (watermarks, branding, banners etc.) has 'external links' on. It's not a requirement to have external links on in your photo galleries for the branding to work.
    SmugMug Support Hero
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    titaniumphototitaniumphoto Registered Users Posts: 51 Big grins
    edited October 4, 2011
    It's important that the gallery (or galleries) where you have your site files (watermarks, branding, banners etc.) has 'external links' on. It's not a requirement to have external links on in your photo galleries for the branding to work.

    Rainforest, okay - just made all adjustments.

    The branding file for the shopping cart is the only unique file in the whole bunch - its only available via "UPLOAD" vice pointing to a file I have in some hidden galleries with my logos and such,

    however, I did goto those galleries and set them to External Links to ON

    Will continue to test...

    Thanks for the comeback

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