DSS 87 - Three, First Take

If I keep picking up interesting junk, I could one day be featured on Hoarders. 
What do you think? Any critiques?
#1 You're Out

#2 Play Ball

What do you think? Any critiques?
#1 You're Out

#2 Play Ball

For the second photo I think I would crop the left side in far enough to take the other finger out of the frame.
I personally like the second photo the best out of the two
Go Shoot Something Already! - Flickr Photostream
Have you performed a few Random Acts of Parenting today?
It's a clever take on the theme, albeit a bit subtle. The second shot is a bit stronger on theme but I think you can do even better.
Thanks, Al! I cropped a bit as you suggested. What do you think?
Thanks, Phil!
Thanks, Linda! I love the way you push me.
Here is take 2. Taken at a local park on a lovely Saturday morning. Better?
#3 Western Grebes.
You got it.
#3 is very interesting 2...
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