
Digital for sale (Pro LEvel)

SUSU4ECUSUSU4ECU Registered Users Posts: 6 Beginner grinner
edited October 12, 2011 in SmugMug Pro Sales Support
I have had a client to request me to email him the Jpeg prints that he purchased. H?e purchased the 4x6 so I an assuming he he wanted these to print his own, etc, II see there is Digital available bit I have only offered the prints and merchandise. (1) Could you enlighten me more about the digitals that are for sale under the PRO (2) what are the average price that most people sell these for.


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    zacHer0zacHer0 Registered Users Posts: 655 Major grins
    edited October 6, 2011
    We have a help page set up on how to set prices for digital downloads here http://help.smugmug.com/customer/portal/articles/93346

    As for the price to charge, there are a lot of factors in deciding that. Maybe some other dgrin users will chime in on that. I'm sorry but we don't keep stats on average prices charged.
    Zac Williams
    Support Hero
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    KidPicKidPic Registered Users Posts: 9 Beginner grinner
    edited October 12, 2011
    Digital Download Pirce?
    Hey SUSU4ECU,
    I would also LOVE to hear what other Pro SmugMugers are selling their Digital Downloads for too.

    I am NOT a Professional Photographer even though I am trying to make a few dollars (it's really to support my hobby or habit Laughing.gif).

    I sell the Web Image Download for $1. I figure they aren't really big enough to get any descent prints from and I advertise that it's great for Facebook and Email. I did read in another Thread here that someone thought people would take that Web Image and make prints anyways.... this would result in a poor quality print and thus make it look like the photographer was no good. I have not run into this problem and in my situation, word of mouth around the field is I do a pretty good job.

    I recently started to sell Original Image Downloads for $18 which I believe is VERY CHEAP for a "Digital Proof". My logic on this is again related to my scenario..... it's just Little League.

    If I was a Pro Photographer doing this for a living the Digital Image would probably be somewhere between $50 and $150.

    Post back what your selling yours for and if you it seems to be a good price point?
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