#87 "Big Brother"

Just a bit of barely-edited silliness - more a possible "prototype" for a shot than a finished product, but would love some reactions to get a feel for whether or not it's worth pursuing.
I wish I could figure out a way to make a fork look more sinister (?!!!!) so that the title would be funnier :rofl I originally thought of "Black Sheep", but I don't have enough of the 4-tine forks in that pattern to make it work (and the size difference kind of ruined the effect).
I wish I could figure out a way to make a fork look more sinister (?!!!!) so that the title would be funnier :rofl I originally thought of "Black Sheep", but I don't have enough of the 4-tine forks in that pattern to make it work (and the size difference kind of ruined the effect).

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You certainly can if you get lower and closer. Do you own a macro lens?
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
@Nightpixels - nope, no macro. I did shoot a few from a lower point - so it was at eyelevel - but that was before I was lighting it for the shadow. They weren't anything special.
I need to play with this, I think. However, kind of neat compared to the first challenge where I tried to shoot an object- my first challenge, in fact. Next to no equipment and even less knowledge. At least this time I mostly knew what I was doing to get the lighting I wanted in less than 1500 clicks!
Sorry, poor choice of word. I simply didn't follow what you were saying. The photo came thru loudly enough by itself tho!
To get a more sinister look, maybe try changing to a low key lighting setup? If the fork isnt of any value maybe try bending the prongs some, scraping it up, getting it kinda dirty? Just some thoughts
Another one - I'd call this "Proselytizing"
Clearly I have a very warped sense of humour at the moment
"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain
Which one - the first or second image? (And thanks!)
"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain
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But darn if it doesn't work. Simplicity speaking the complex. Great title that speaks volumes.
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