Middle C

I recently purchased a nifty fifty, and so have not removed it from the camera for several days. I was looking for something to shoot last night and I happened upon my daughter's piano...I decided to pick out Middle C (I got some of B, too!).
Your thoughts on this would be appreciated...Not obvious enough? Good DoF? Not good? A "grower"? Bin fodder?

Middle C by http://bendthelight.me.uk, on Flickr
Your thoughts on this would be appreciated...Not obvious enough? Good DoF? Not good? A "grower"? Bin fodder?

Middle C by http://bendthelight.me.uk, on Flickr
There seems to be an inward curve on the left side of the keyboard. I think it would be more effective if that were straight.
Picadilly, NB, Canada
That is beyond my control, I think. The curve is formed by the different sections of the keyboard becoming more and more out of focus...
The lens is great...need to keep[ trying things with it.
My plan is to re-shoot tonight...se how we go.
Shoot with your daughter's hands playing it...