
Dinner Time!

[Deleted User][Deleted User] Beginner grinnerPosts: 0 Big grins
edited October 12, 2011 in People
Snapped some pics this weekend as my one-year-old cousin was having some eats. Shot with my D80, Nikkor 55-200mm VR, SB600, at 145mm, 1/60s, f/5.6. Not as sharp as I would have liked (he was moving around a lot) but I really like how it came out (and I like the chair in the background too). Your thoughts/critique/feedback is welcome and appreciated :)



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    ElaineElaine Registered Users Posts: 3,532 Major grins
    edited October 12, 2011
    I love that you got nice and close for this! Adorable face, lovely eyes and we can see them very clearly. Sweet capture!

    Comments and constructive critique always welcome!

    Elaine Heasley Photography
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