
Time to switch labs or?

RKnechtRKnecht Registered Users Posts: 366 Major grins
edited October 18, 2011 in SmugMug Pro Sales Support
Well, I have to say that EZPrints has finally sent me over the edge with a recent order. Before anyone says to contact the help desk, been there done that. The result? An order that will arrive a week and a half late because the lab screwed something up. Now, I get to tell my customer that her products will not be with her on her way back to Germany. Sure, there was the offer to "just ship them overseas", but that was not my goal. I assured her that her order would arrive in plenty of time. Now I look like an idiot and will have a disappointed customer. Was the order huge? No, it was "just" a tile. No biggie, but I treat every customer the same whether they buy a $5 4x6 or spend hundreds.

To make matters worse, it took a couple days of emails to get the order reprinted. Time wasted sending emails should have been getting my order reprinted and sent out to me in time. It isn't often that Smugmug disappoints me, but lately when it does, it's a big issue. Whether its "downtime" or order issues, it's all the same.

There really needs to be a PHONE NUMBER for us pros to call when we have an issue that needs resolving quick. That way, with time sensitive matters, precious time is not wasted waiting for email replies.

I was recently contacted by Smugmug about what they could do to improve my business. HINT: This is NOT it. Obviously EZPrints can't handle the work load and lately their QC has been pretty poor. I have a couple orders that need replacing due to prints that should have never left the lab due to stains and obvious color issues. Due to this, I will probably switch to Bay. Their prices are higher, but hopefully I won't have these issues.

I also just got an email about renewing my account, and frankly I am wondering if I should. You just don't know how hard it is going to be for me to tell my customer about this tomorrow. Sorry for the rant.
A few Nikon bodies and some fast Nikon glass



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    TeachTeach Registered Users Posts: 321 Major grins
    edited October 14, 2011
    We are so sorry that you feel like we let you down. We do not want you to feel that way. I have replied to your help desk ticket with some offers of things we can do to make things right for you. Please let us know if any of the suggestions would be acceptable.
    SmugMug Support Hero
    SmugMug Support Hero
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    SteveMSteveM Registered Users Posts: 482 Major grins
    edited October 18, 2011
    Hi Rich,

    Ugh! We're sorry for this whole situation. Trust me when I say, we'll be looking into this fully. This could have been a FedEx screw-up, which of course neither Smuggy nor EZ Prints has much control over, but we'll dig until we know for sure. I've just talked with our head lab liaison who has a meeting with EZ Prints in just a few minutes, and this will be on the top of the agenda.

    We are investigating the possibility of pro phone support. We've heard from many of our larger clients that this is something they want, and are willing to pay for, but there are lots of things to consider there to make it work.

    Bay Photo is phenomenal, and has lightning fast turnaround time, fantastic packaging, and unsurpassed quality. If you do choose Bay Photo, I have no doubts you'll be thrilled with their products and value, but I don't want to take anything away from EZ Prints. They're fantastic at what they do as well, with very few hiccups. Their quality and value are hard to match anywhere. We're doing thousands of orders through them per day with less than 1% having any sort of issue, and we'll absolutely find out what went wrong with your piece of that 1%. :(

    I know in your emails to the helpdesk, you're extremely frustrated and can't think of a way for us to make this up to you or your customer. I'm sure EZ Prints would agree that a gift to your client would certainly be appropriate, if you'll allow us to do that for you both. Ann will also be back in touch with you, to see if there's anything else we can help with. We certainly don't want to lose you, Rich! The mere possibility has a number of our Support Heroes disturbed; you're a favorite.

    All the best,

    Steve Mills
    SmugMug Support Manager
    Image Specialist & Pro Concierge
    Steve Mills
    BizDev Account Manager
    Image Specialist & Pro Concierge

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    teamezpteamezp Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
    edited October 18, 2011
    Thanks Steve....

    Rich, we are mortified after reading your post. We are TRULY SORRY that this has happened.We have had an unexplained miss fire with FedEx and we are currently working with them to understand what happened. It appears other shipments had the same result as you and it was all within the same timeframe of your incident! We work very hard to keep our carriers in line and monitor their execution.....looks like we had multiple fails on this one!

    Steve is absolutely correct in that we will do whatever it takes to make it up to your client. I understand your frustrations but I would ask that you please contact the Heros as we have been in contact with them about your order screw up.... we want to make it up to you!

    You are very important to us and we would hate to lose such a long standing partnership.....

    ezprints team
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