Help with a photo
Hello! Over the weekend, I did photos for this family. It was a tough session, being almost noon on a sunny day and the grandmother wanted the rock (which was her brothers, who passed a few years ago) in the photo like a family member. This rock was right next to a lake....anyways, Good thing a cloud came by and I was able to get a picture...the problem is the baby on grandmas lap is looking away and sucking her thumb. I didnt have many pictures to pull the baby from and this was the only decent one. Now I have PSE9 and can swap heads in a like picture...but can you pull the baby from another photo and pose entirely? Is there a way to "erase" the baby from the first picture and then place another baby picture in that spot? If it cant be done, at least I know I tried by asking you experts!
Well I cant upload the original pictures, so I resized the one....but I guess my question is can I take a picture of the baby from a totally unrelated pose and swap them out? If anyone wants to teach me or if they have a link on how to do it, I would be appreciative! THanks!

Just to address the technical side for a moment, the problem is not just the baby but the woman holding her. If you change the position of the baby's head and arm, that will expose areas of the grandma's clothing that are covered now. You will need to fill in these areas convincingly, which might be difficult.
Thanks Richard! I had thought about that too...and then the grandmother/baby would look fake. I too thought it was cute how she was looking at her whole family....Some things would be best left alone...Thanks again for your opinion. All I can say is that I am thrilled that the sun went behind a cloud for me to even get that picture, because the other ones were terrible because of the location sun...and didnt have much to work with with the way the rock was set and so close to the least now I have a second opinion about the photo
True and I know Im one of those parents too...
use the head only
try it ( on a copy ) , and you 'll see
- mask the head on the "donorpic" and > edit > copy
-on the pic in question , edit > paste > paste special > in place
now its a new layer
-position it by dragging
-smooth edge with a soft opaque erazer
-on background , clone away leftovers from original head that are visible
-on toplayer , adjust color / teint if needed
-when satisfied , flatten image and save as .....
Yes. When I had read that a cloud came over I had scrolled back up and, sure enough a cloud had rolled in.
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Hi Sam,
Its possible that the picture looks out of focus from the way I had to make it smaller and upload it in? Here is the link to the gallery...Its the first picture...... I would appreciate your thoughts on the clarity....After all I just bought the D700 and have the 51 af selected on the camera...and had it for multiple focus...shot on a tripod..maybe up a little too high, but literally had to run, get them adjusted while the cloud gave us 1 minute of shade!
Its the first picture in that gallery... If by chance it doesnt go thru, my website is its gallery is Family and then Butler Family... Thanks so much for everyones thoughts! And yes, I am a believer of getting the shot out of the camera and not have to fix too much after the fact.......
Still learning here in CT!
If you don't agree with me then your wrong.
I can't be held accountable for what I say, I'm bipolar.
I had switched it to dynamic af area 51 per someones you think I would be best to just keep it at the default of 9? (On my old d40, I never worried about that, so had no idea, what to put the camera in) Oh I know, this was shot at 11:30ish, near the water, that time was the only time they could do the photos. They were thrilled with the pictures, so I guess thats all that matters, but to me, I know that what saved me was that sun going behind a cloud...because you dont even want to know how horrible they were looking before that happened! HA The thing was the rock had to be the focal point and in the photo. Now was I correct in selecting the auto area af for the group shots and then for individual shots stick with single point af?
The image looks much better on your website, thank goodness.
I would recommend using a single point focus. Using the 51 points will allow the camera pick what ever it wants, not what you want.
I think the image and pose is fine just the way it is.
Thanks Sam....So even for a group, I would still use the single point focus and they would all be in focus? I just put the dynamic AF area back to the default of 9 points... Did you happen to notice the picture right after the first one? The customer is so about the rock, she asked me to photoshop out her daughter and son in laws legs from the whole in the rock.......personally I think it looks better with the legs there...but maybe because I have the original picture...
Again, Thanks everyone for your help!
The photos in you gallery are MUCH sharper than the photo in post #1. Good luck with Grandma. Keep us informed!
Oh you are making me laugh! I thought the same thing, but if thats what the customer wants....Do you think I should give Grandma my opinion that it looks odd without the legs there? The poor thing, when she was talking to me after about the rock, she just started to its a very emotional picture and the rock means a lot to her since it was her brothers who passed unexpectadly 2 years ago......Maybe I could mention it to her daughter (who I have done pictures for in the past, my thoughts and she can relay them to her mom?) Im waiting for the next email asking me to clone the legs out of the other rock picture!
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