Last weekend breast cancer walk
I've been fighting the file size limit at Smugmug this evening. The ladies at the women's gym where my wife hangs out were taking part (one of the owners is a survivor) and I wanted to give them a collage of some of the pictures.
Thanks to someone else having the same issue and notes from Baldy and Andy, I got my file uploaded and the prints on order. A 16 x 20 inch at 300 dpi is rather large.
Anyway, here is the picture in question......
Basically snapshots, but I know they will like them.
Thanks to someone else having the same issue and notes from Baldy and Andy, I got my file uploaded and the prints on order. A 16 x 20 inch at 300 dpi is rather large.
Anyway, here is the picture in question......
Basically snapshots, but I know they will like them.
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I like what you have done. The individual shots may be snapshots, but the end product is anything but. Nice job.
A picture is but words to the eyes.
Comments are always welcome.
I was also surprised by how many breast cancer survivors were taking part. Some of them had survived over thirty years - very encouraging.
what a nice thought and for something so meaningful!
really good job of putting it all together.