Well, the ones where she's smiling, at least. I don't like the mean look in the last one.
Great job, with one caveat. You really need to watch your magenta levels in her skin. Unless you want her to look sunburned the magenta should never be above yellow, and usually a few points below. You've got much more magenta than you would have for normal skin tones. In my personal experience, this is MUCH more noticeable in print than it is on the monitor. (I think the monitor is more forgiving.)
Especially about the smiling. She has a very pretty smile and you should accentuate that. #4 is my favorite. I love how her clothes match the autumn colors so well. I think #5 looks like she misbehaved and was sent to sit in the corner and she is pouting about it.
Well, the ones where she's smiling, at least. I don't like the mean look in the last one.
Great job, with one caveat. You really need to watch your magenta levels in her skin. Unless you want her to look sunburned the magenta should never be above yellow, and usually a few points below. You've got much more magenta than you would have for normal skin tones. In my personal experience, this is MUCH more noticeable in print than it is on the monitor. (I think the monitor is more forgiving.)
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\Ma*lef"ic\, a. Doing mischief; causing harm or evil; hurtful
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!