Going directly to Buy page from iPhone (Safari)
I am writing an iPhone app for a client who is a SmugMug Pro subscriber and have been using the http://.../buy/... URLto display the Buy page for a photo. Now when trying to display that URL (through same code used by Safari browser), it brings up a mobile page for the photo instead of its Buy popup page. If I select the Full Site link, the Buy page does show up and will do so from then on. Is there a way I can bypass the mobile page and go directly to the full site Buy page?
This is not officially supported but you can try the following.
Send the user to the following URL; [smugmugsite]/m/opt/out/?goTo=[buyURL]
This should cookie the device for full site and re-direct them to the desired page. We are also working on further improvements to the mobile experience. Stay tuned.
I tried appending the string above to the URL I have been using and it does not appear to fix the problem. I also tried using alternate URLs in place of the [smugmugsite] in the above string and cannot get a combination that appears to work. Do you have an alternate suggestion?
Thanks, phs
This works for me. Maybe I didn't explain well enough.
You should replace the content between brackets with the coresponding URLs.
For example;
Thanks for the clarification! That works for me now.