Ive got PS2 problems...minor i hope so can you help me ?

My computer is a mess...it clunks & bumps & blows steam like an old car but its my old car & i know it backwards (or where to find everything).
Guswife keeps telling me that i have to get rid of PS6 as i have CS2 now. I use them both as i dont know how to move the actions/plugins etc...& im cool with that....thats how i do my stuff.
So tonight she gets on it to clean it up..man what a mess. CS2 crashes...2 files missing so i find them & put them back in. That fixed that but i have just 2 small probs left.
When i start CS2 i get these msg'es in this order...after i acknowledge them, CS2 opens but i dont want to have to go through this evertime i process my photos. Any help will be rewarded with Karma.
Guswife keeps telling me that i have to get rid of PS6 as i have CS2 now. I use them both as i dont know how to move the actions/plugins etc...& im cool with that....thats how i do my stuff.
So tonight she gets on it to clean it up..man what a mess. CS2 crashes...2 files missing so i find them & put them back in. That fixed that but i have just 2 small probs left.
When i start CS2 i get these msg'es in this order...after i acknowledge them, CS2 opens but i dont want to have to go through this evertime i process my photos. Any help will be rewarded with Karma.
Wow 'gus,
Those have to be the most bizarre error messages I've ever seen!
I think you might have to break down and contact Adobe tech support.
I hope it is not catching!
Good luck!
Sorry about your compure issues. They are so complex today I can't trouble shoot them at all.
Her is my uneducated thoughts on this.
1. If your running XP, just do a restore to the day before Mrs H mucked with it.
a. If you haven't emptied the trash bin, you can restore
all the files deleted.
2. Try reinstalling CS2.
3. I have located FastCore (38KB 8BX file) on my computer and could e-mail you a copy.
In advertantly drop the computer off the 2nd story, and get a replacement.
Gus, I gota tell you keeping PS6 because you can't move the plugins, and actions is well..............(insert political correct term for not smart.
Here is what I did. I used serch to find the plugins, and actions in PS6. I then copied them to the same directory in CS2. Check and make sure all are working, and then uninstall PS6.
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My problem is that i watched her & nothing at all was deleted...nothing...just moved from one to the other.
I will PM you my email mate & get that file & then if that does not work then i will try a restore (i dont know how to but im sure i can google it)
Thanks mate
So, the first error message means that there's a DLL mismatch. The way software on the PC works, is you have the application itself, and then a number of things called dynamic link libraries (DLLs, in case it wasn't obvious) that are loaded "on demand." These libraries can also be shared between applications -- if you look in your /Windows/System32 folder, you will see all manner of DLLs in there. It can be more efficient because of Application A and Application B both need "menus.dll" which helps them with menus, then it only needs to be loaded once.
The Windows programming guidelines basically dictate that DLLs must be backwards compatible. Thus, if CoolType.dll ships with Photoshop CS2, then it should also work with Photoshop 6. However, the reverse is not true. So if for some reason "CoolType.dll" was present in both installations, and your helpful wife copied it from one location to another (or, possible, your machines "search path" that it uses to go looking for these DLLs) finds the one from PS 6 *first*, you will see something like this.
Needing to maintain these "search paths," and needing to clean up your system if some rogue piece of crap application spews DLLs all over your system is what's known as "DLL Hell." This originated from back when every app would just chuck all its DLLs into /Windows/System or /Windows/System32. Over time, you would get one hell of a mess in there (the folder at install would be 2 GB, and after a year of use, would be 15 GB, because apps didn't properly uninstall, or because people removed an application by deleting it from Program Files, rather than running the software uninstaller from the control panels). Or, WORSE, rogue app would have a crappy installer which said "Hey, I need syscrt.dll, so let's install that version." And it would install it OVER the Windows default version, which was newer, which would make the machine unbootable. Windows 2000 and XP include "System Protection" which can lessen this, by detecting and copying back the "known OS base version" at next boot. But, c'mon, what a hack solution.
To solve your immediate problem, I would suggest you uninstall and reinstall Photoshop CS2. That should make things good with it, as the DLLs will be re-placed where they should be. Proactively, you may wish to tell the wife that "cleaning up" by rooting around in the file system is a very bad thing (because it is). These things are much easier to screw up on a PC than they are on a Mac. Macs have a nice system called "packages," where an application is almost entirely self contained -- all these DLL-like things are actually packaged within the application itself, so if you delete an application, it's all gone, save any preference files it created (which are generally small).
Anyway... reinstall. Oh, and I might suggest you consider creating separate computer accounts for you and your wife -- and don't make your wife's account an administrator account, which will mean she can't go deleting stuff out of program files
(sorry...few will get that joke)
Sorry, just couldn't help myself!
Hows this look ?
1.Log on to Windows as Administrator.2.Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and then click System Restore. System Restore starts.3.On the Welcome to System Restore page, click Restore my computer to an earlier time (if it is not already selected), and then click Next.4.On the Select a Restore Point page, click the most recent system checkpoint in the On this list, click a restore point list, and then click Next. A System Restore message may appear that lists configuration changes that System Restore will make. Click OK.5.On the Confirm Restore Point Selection page, click Next. System Restore restores the previous Windows XP configuration, and then restarts the computer.6.Log on to the computer as Administrator. The System Restore Restoration Complete page appears. 7.Click OK
This looks good to me. I don't remember the exact key strokes, but I have used this in the past.
Good luck.
If its not bruck ..dont fix it.
Thanks anyway sam it was worth a try.
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probably wading in a little late on this, but I went and searched google on cooltype because I was curious what program might have put it there. In past, the typical cause of problems that I've experienced were usually caused by some type of add-in that I had downloaded.
You may have already found by searching your machine that you could have several cooltype dll's on your machine. A search of my machine found 12 different files, and 5 unique versions. The most recent version that I have is and was found in two locations.
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Bridge
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS2
All the other cooltype.dll files were in various other adobe software directories.
Re-installing should take care of most things. However, you may speed up the process by ensuring that you have the most up to date cooltype.dll in those 2 directories (or whereever you happened to install your copy).
Haven't looked at your other error. Fortunately digiwife never trys loading/cleaning/moving anything on our computer since the great meltdown of 2003 ...
Hope things get back to normal soon ...
I just wished i had known that a Mac could repair a missing file
Thanks Gus
And I strongly disagree that you should try and use system restore to fix this.
You should uninstall Photoshop CS2, and clean out any cruft from the directories that is left over after the uninstall. Then reinstall CS2.
The problem you are having is a DLL mismatch problem. CS2 is loading the PS6 DLL, and the PS6 DLL is missing some symbols (called "ordinals" in DLL parlance), so it's confused as hell. It should be -- what is going on is very bad for an application, but can result due to the way shared libraries work.
Reinstall CS2, and the problem is solved.
And, again, my suggestion is to limit wifey's admin rights.
Tks Gus