WD Hard Drive Prices Likely to Rise Because of Floods in Thailand

Because of the floods in Thailand Western Digital hard drive prices will likely be rising. So, if you need a new hard drive shop as soon as possible.
I bought three new drives from Newegg today and compared to Amazon they were quite a bit lower. So maybe the rise in prices has already started.
I bought three new drives from Newegg today and compared to Amazon they were quite a bit lower. So maybe the rise in prices has already started.
that come from the flooded region...I'll bet it drives up all electronics prices....
I saw 2 TB drives yesterday at $79..this was for Seagate...I think it was Best buy.....
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
The hard drive market is reacting to the heavy floods in Thailand.
ZoomPrices for hard drives have jumped by as much as 50 percent within one week, market research firm IHS said. About a quarter of all hard drives are manufactured in Thailand and it appears that all major vendors are affected in some way.
Western Digital previously said that it may see a revenue decline of about 60 percent in the current quarter and told German publication Golem.de that it will be able to produce only 22 to 26 million drives this quarter, instead of the planned 58 million units. A spokesperson said that WD "currently waits for the factories to dry" to be able to restart its manufacturing tools. What makes matters worse are the usually thin profit margins in the HDD industry, which means that manufacturers typically have only five to seven days of material supply.
A Seagate manager told CRN India that the company expects and "acute" shortage of drives and that the manufacturer expects prices to increase. However, there was no information how sharp this increase can be. Both WD and Seagate said that the floods in Thailand have created a problem for the industry that will take several quarters to resolve.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
I have read that expect prices to stay high until well into the first quarter 2012.
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Western Digital resumes hard drive manufaturing in Thailand ahead of schedule.
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams