Challenge 50: Kentucky Colors

I went out looking for some great colors in nature the other day, and I realized that this challenge is really harder than it sounds.
What do you all think of these two?

I'm not sure if either of them are creative enough though. :dunno
Someone let me know what you think. In the mean time...I'm going to keep looking....
The first shot doesn't have a lot of colour in there but I thoroughly understood what you were trying, I shot Quite a lot of similar shots the other day but couldn't get the results that I was seeing in front of my eyes most of the time.
I'm forever staring up at tree's from this point of view. May be some direct sunlight on that bark could bring some nice colouring or a tighter shot on the leaves. Good efforts though
I'll second that! The second image, while just as flat colorwise as what I've been shoting has the more interesting composition to my eye.