Light Room Catalog (lrcat) file recovery
Does anyone know which file recovery software can recover a .lrcat file type or any light room file ? I have not seen a vender that explicitly states they support finding light room files.
I formatted my windows "C" drive and need to recover my lrcat.
I formatted my windows "C" drive and need to recover my lrcat.
there exist several recovery software's [ google for it ] , but
they can only recover if the files are not overwritten
these tools can recover any file-type , ircat too
if the drive is only formatted , you may try , but change of recovery is small
LR has a backup function , but that makes no sense if you have but the backup on C:
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
if C: is formatted all is gone and windows + LR is newly installed
without backup on another volume it is very difficult to restore entire catalog
[ i assume the RAWs are on another disk then C:
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
you should allways backup
windows , norton , roxio , they all give you option to make a ghost-image of your entire drive(s)
did i mention lightroom backup ?
additionally , you can make restore-points in windows
only after that is done , then format and re-install