Need flash any suggestions?
In December, winter high school sports begin. I will be taking pictures of the local high school wrestling team. I have a Nikon D300s, and 2 lenses-a Nikon 35-70 f2.8 and a Nikon 80-200 f2.8 (had to sell my soul and all my old film equipment to afford it). I am wondering, since some of the gyms I will be shooting in the lighting basically stinks, do I need a flash (or will the f2.8 lenses suffice)? And if I do need one, any suggestions which one to buy (stick with Niko or is here a better choice)? Thank you for your suggestions and advice!
If the D300s has very usable images at iso 1600 then it should not be a problem ...most gyms I have been was only terrible lighting due to color of sodium vapor lighting...but as far a brightness it was doable at iso 400 for me and a 70-200f2.8.......
Thanks. Last year the local newspaper photographer was using a flash during the matches.