
Mod Podge

wilkinskdwilkinskd Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
edited November 1, 2011 in SmugMug Pro Sales Support
I have a client who wants to use mod podge on several prints that she ordered from me. She is asking if the prints are high resolution and what the risks are. Has anyone had any experience with mod podge? Pros and cons?

Thanks for any help that you can provide!


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    Ann McRaeAnn McRae Registered Users Posts: 4,584 Major grins
    edited November 1, 2011
    So, modge podge is a glue like substance that crafters use when creating collages or when glueing paper to ceramic for example.

    I've used it long ago, when making collages from photos cut from magazines, to paste them to the backing material. I've used it to apply a fancy napkin to a clay pot, as decoration. That sort of thing.

    It will give the final product a glossy finish, and adhere one item to the other at the same time.

    The prints, of course, are high quality (archival) prints printed by a true photographic print process.

    I expect your customer wants to know if the ink will run, like it might if you were selling her ink jet prints. Since I have no experience using modge podge with prints per se, I can't give you a definitive answer to that question, but maybe the information above will help?
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