
Clients to pick proofs.

matrix311matrix311 Registered Users Posts: 55 Big grins
edited November 4, 2011 in SmugMug Pro Sales Support
I remember seeing an article a while back on how clients have the ability to browse through their gallery and choose photos they like. I give my clients 10 free photos which I enhance for them and in the past they would always send me the 3 digit number after the filename of the image so I knew which photo to enhance. How can they simply browse the gallery and then click a button to choose their favorites? How would I then pull up the photos they chose to be enhanced?

Eric Schlaht, Phoenix Arizona Photographerhttp://www.esimaging.net - http://esimaging.blogspot.com/

Canon 7D, Canon 40D, 24-70mm f/2.8L, 70-200mm f/4L IS, 50mm f/1.8, 430EX


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    Ann McRaeAnn McRae Registered Users Posts: 4,584 Major grins
    edited November 2, 2011

    You are looking for our Events tool. This tool allows you to give your customer a collection of galleries (but it works for just one as well) that they access through a special url - one link for all galleries in the event. When accessed with the event link, they then see a 'heart' icon that they use to mark their favorites with. Those favorites are placed into a new gallery, that obeys the settings and pricing of the parent gallery that they came from, and both you and the client can see that new gallery.

    We have some great information on using and setting up events here

    and here

    Holler with any questions.
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    matrix311matrix311 Registered Users Posts: 55 Big grins
    edited November 2, 2011
    perfect thank you
    Eric Schlaht, Phoenix Arizona Photographerhttp://www.esimaging.net - http://esimaging.blogspot.com/

    Canon 7D, Canon 40D, 24-70mm f/2.8L, 70-200mm f/4L IS, 50mm f/1.8, 430EX
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    CindyCindy Registered Users Posts: 542 Major grins
    edited November 4, 2011
    Wonder if amazons public wishlist system could be integrated? The events feature is nice but... more work to do per client. A wishlist type cart or save list clients could create themselves would be awesome. Something they could create from the current galleries & links. Obviously this would require a log on of some sort for them...
    Cindy Colbert (Utterback) • Wishing You Co-Bear Love, Hugs & Laughter!!!
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