>> congrats to shakey, winner challenge 49 <<

MOD edit (Andy): i actually started this thread, and merged some comments from the other thread 
Poll is closed . I guess that means I am a weiner.:):
Bring it on I am ready for the ticker tape parade,book and autograph signings,guest appearances on Letterman,Regis,The View. I am ready for all the fanfare and all the young women who will shamelessly throw themselves at me.:stud
Seriously, thanks to everyone who voted and everyone who participated in the challenge,and to Andy :bow for his time and effort.

Poll is closed . I guess that means I am a weiner.:):
Bring it on I am ready for the ticker tape parade,book and autograph signings,guest appearances on Letterman,Regis,The View. I am ready for all the fanfare and all the young women who will shamelessly throw themselves at me.:stud
Seriously, thanks to everyone who voted and everyone who participated in the challenge,and to Andy :bow for his time and effort.
What a comeback! :flash
Congratulations! Great shot!
Well deserved win!!
And now I will oblige with the fanfare.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Congratulations, I know the feeling. Cool, ain't it! Don't forget the prize..
And you have an enforced break from participating in the current challenge, but you get to help pick next time.
Bask in the glory while stepping into the briar patch.
I am happy for you,
As far as I'm concerned, everyone that entered was a winner.
I could not come up with anything for this challenge, so all of you kicked
my butt.:D
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
shakey, manicure
wtg, tim - excellent work.
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Here's a 21 *FUN* salute for an excellent photo and a well deserved win~~~
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
That's the kind of dirt that in the olden days of yore we would have hauled out the Lava Soap. Anyone remember that?
Congratulations shakey! Nice shot!
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