pdf download problem

I hope this is the correct plase to post this. I can't seem to open, or download any pdf files from the internet. I am using the much maligned aol.
I don't know where to start on this problem.
Does anyone have any ideas??
I don't know where to start on this problem.
Does anyone have any ideas??
i'll try to help you without telling you to get the heck off of aol...
let's see: i believe you can use a regular browser once you have your aol connection, so why not fire up i.e. or firefox? firefox being your best bet, it's free from www.mozilla.org
otherwise, i can only suggest clearing out your cookies, cache, checking your user optoins or whatever... maybe you have a firewall or av setting saying "no dowloads" availalbe?
that's all i can think of ... maybe there's an aol user that will see this, i hope..
best of luck
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are you trying to view in the aol browser, or are you trying right-click, save as - put on your desktop. try the latter, that should always work. then just re=install the free acrobat reader from the adobe site.
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I read Gus's response, and thought, why would I download Adobe Reader? I already have it. Wait unless some brainless aol user deleted it!
Let me check...............whoa...it ain't there!!!
Down loaded new Adobe Reader. All is well in aol land.
Thanks for you quick responses. It got me looking in the right direction.